As I understand the Geddes approach, you want as many LF sources as you can get, including full range towers. (More prefarable would be all of the "bed layer" to be full range with subs added!, probably.)
Qualitative commentary aside, the Def Techs do have a pretty full response profile. Lovin' posted the review for this model that had them rated at 23Hz (-3dB). Better even than the current flagship of the BP lineup, if true, though still not the claimed 15Hz in their specs.
Regardless, I am sold on the idea of non-symmetrical multiple LF source placement. I think everettT likes to match his rolloffs between speaker and sub, but that hasn't come up as much from other people. (Though I'm down for the conversation with some numbers and patience!

) At the end, the biggest part of the equation is room measurements. Geddes Approach is predicated on sweeps with the addition of each source. Repeat until you have achieved flat LF response in room.
No about that umic...