

Audioholic Jedi
using distance setting in Yamaha avr for separate subs, use rew to get best combined response , lately have front set to large and extra bass which sends 80hz and below to subs in two channel listening, or sometimes set front to small and subs to 120hz in avr. I have a mini dsp but haven't set up yet because then I have no way to deal with LF.
What subs are paired up or equidistant if connecting three with two distance settings? Extra bass on your avr just duplicates bass in the subs below 80hz? If you set front to small "and subs to 120hz" in avr that means you're using a crossover of 120hz? What do you mean you have no way of dealing with LF with a miniDSP?

viseral audio

the pair of TSE118,s are fed from sub out 1 on avr to crown XLI3500 in parallel mode ,they are placed next to each other so they couple as one, I switch between settings of front large-extra bass, and front small 120hz x-over. if I set up MiniDSP and use main outs to both run main ch. full range and set up crossovers to subs then the LFE channel will also go to main front speakers, don,t want that, if I set up MiniDSP from sub out of avr then I still can't run front speakers full range.

viseral audio

Def-Tech says many times in the set up manual for the bp2000,s to run them full range, and they really do sound better, I think I picked the wrong AVR as Yamaha doesn't, give you all the bass management features that they should.


Audioholic Jedi
the pair of TSE118,s are fed from sub out 1 on avr to crown XLI3500 in parallel mode ,they are placed next to each other so they couple as one, I switch between settings of front large-extra bass, and front small 120hz x-over. if I set up MiniDSP and use main outs to both run main ch. full range and set up crossovers to subs then the LFE channel will also go to main front speakers, don,t want that, if I set up MiniDSP from sub out of avr then I still can't run front speakers full range.
Thanks. Don't see why you couldn't use the minidsp on the sub pre-outs and run speakers full range, tho. What bass management would you like the avr to have that the Yamaha doesn't?

viseral audio

You have to use extra bass feature to use front large and get bass to sub pre-outs and that limits you to 80hz crossover to sub per-outs.


Audioholic Samurai
There's enough subjectivity, hearing, room gain, etc. that could be in play here.

My previous mains (B&W 804M) which I still have btw...I played these speakers 2.0 for 20 yrs....mostly 2 ch music. They were never really strong on the lowend but had enough for most music...or so I thought.

When I upgraded the system to what I have now...the subs arrived before the new mains did...in fact everything arrived before the new mains...so for the 1st time I played the B&Ws 2.1 or in this case 2.2. Night and day difference...to the good.

The Salks are rated F3/33hz...when they arrived. I played them 2.0 for a week or so just to see what they were like...stronger bass than the B&Ws 2.0, but after hearing the B&Ws 2.1 I knew there would be an improvement...I love the midbass of the Salks so I tried XO @ 60hz and 80...I could go either way, but I've left them at 60 and it's not even close...2.1 is far more live-like than 2.0 and the subs are cruising along, volume knob is shy of 12 noon.

From my experience.
Your experience with the Salks mirrors my own. They sounded very nice and tight without a sub in the room. I played them for about two weeks with no supporting sub. They have an excellent sound and as @TLS Guy mentions, a goodly number of very fine setups are overbiased to bass and the overall sound is not what it could be.

Also as @TLS Guy mentions, in a music system (the Salks are in a music only system) there really isn't all that much for a sub to do if your mains are up to snuff. Get out one of those nice graphs that show the frequency ranges of most instruments. It surprised me to see most musical instruments don't go anywhere near subwoofer strengths. And just because an instrument reaches the lower registers, it doesn't mean it does so with a lot of power.
Frequency Chart.jpg

I did eventually put a sub in with my Salks. I did so "just because I can" more than anything. But, I did like the authority it added to certain types of music. Mostly, you can't tell its even in the room. But, when the right source is played, it really puts some pop in the finished product. I like having the additional muscle, but, I also like having it setup so its not overbearing or coloring where it shouldn't.


Audioholic Overlord
Your experience with the Salks mirrors my own. They sounded very nice and tight without a sub in the room. I played them for about two weeks with no supporting sub. They have an excellent sound and as @TLS Guy mentions, a goodly number of very fine setups are overbiased to bass and the overall sound is not what it could be.

Also as @TLS Guy mentions, in a music system (the Salks are in a music only system) there really isn't all that much for a sub to do if your mains are up to snuff. Get out one of those nice graphs that show the frequency ranges of most instruments. It surprised me to see most musical instruments don't go anywhere near subwoofer strengths. And just because an instrument reaches the lower registers, it doesn't mean it does so with a lot of power.

I did eventually put a sub in with my Salks. I did so "just because I can" more than anything. But, I did like the authority it added to certain types of music. Mostly, you can't tell its even in the room. But, when the right source is played, it really puts some pop in the finished product. I like having the additional muscle, but, I also like having it setup so its not overbearing or coloring where it shouldn't.
I agree. I probably have my subs set "too low, for most people. With my subs, double bass in small jazz combos has a certain gravitas that I hound somewhat lacking with out. When I set them according to Audyssee, for example, those same walking bass lines suddenly start vibrating my @$$.
My BMRs are very capable, and even xo'd at 60, I was surprised to see an experiment with an 18Hz test tone moving that ScanSpeak woofer. I pursued subs largely because I like some good Large Organs from time to time, so 16Hz extension was my goal.

  • RBHsound.com
  • BlueJeansCable.com
  • SVS Sound Subwoofers
  • Experience the Martin Logan Montis