I like the amp's facia, the preamp, not as much. Probably not common for people in this thread, but I find Yamaha's thin straight "knobs" a little strange.
It just always struck me as different for difference sake, when the function is a rotary switch the knob should reflect that. For example the rotary switches on the Power Amp, they retain the design language but clearly indicate a rotary function at the same time.
It's probably just the Fine Arts Major in me, little things like that get my attention. But I can see that design must be more expensive, requiring a machined rotary divot in the face, and probably a thicker faceplate to boot, so I understand why it is the way it is on preamps.
It's not enough to keep a Yamaha preamp out of my house, there are plenty of uglier audio devices in the market, it's just a quirk that I wish was different. The Power Amp to my eye is better looking.