Yes, that was a factor in the decision making even though I'll probably be the only one doing the critical listening. See the results for both the speakers below that Dennis was nice enough to test

. The tipping point for me on buying the BMRs was I called old teacher who is a grammy award winning recording engineer and he told me they were "stellar" speakers. So if he says their good, every one here says their good, they must be good!
Lastly, one thing I took away from this thread was electronics. I think it was Phil that said,
"By FAR the largest contributor to sound quality, think over 90%, is the speakers (if your source material is good). (Rest 9% is room acoustics issues and 1% electronics)" - I definitely think I've been placing a little too much of an emphasis on this after having originally owned a low end Dennon that made a little hiss all the time.
PS the speakers come in on Thursday so I'll leave an update after I've had some serious listening time with them.