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Someone suggested I not include a comment about her, altho it was the OP that specified she has her own cable hearing thing going on too, that but now that you've quoted it I guess a mod would need to change it but really don't see why. Maybe she should post her side of the story directly, might be interesting.

ps i.e. in reference to mtrycrafts having quoted that part of my previous post.

No worries. She thinks your an idiot.
See post above about the cables she prefers. But this is my system
Again, the Nordost's stay.
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Audioholics Master Chief
Just because you folks believe something doesn't make it true either.
prove to me there isn't a difference.........

I don't care about debunked tests. I change direction of a cable after I've broken it in a certain direction. I can hear a difference.....until broken in the other direction.

The improvements in cable design can't be denied. Low voltage data cable is a good example with higher transfer speeds.

FWIW I'm not a dealer. I am an electrician though.
The burden of proof is NOT on us, it is on YOU! You are making claims that deny peer reviewed science and repeatability in controlled blind testing. Most electricians I've met at least have a little basis in EE theory to recognize the audio cable industry is laced with snake oil and unprovible claims. I guess there are always exceptions ;) Enjoy your cables....


Audioholic Samurai
It's just a hobby. All is good as long as it sounds good to you. I wanted the best the sound I could have so I looked at other options.
I feel I have the gear I want and like. Cables were the next step. I never thought they would make a difference.
I was wrong. This is my personal experience.
It does start with a good power source. As long as you have no artifacts or synch issues with HDMI, I would say your good. My posts are mostly for 2 channel and cables for it.
You do realize that regardless of the over-built quality of any cables you use, be they speaker cables, RCA or other pre-amp signal, or power, the electrical pathways within your electronic gadgets and speakers remain the same, right? The neck of the funnel is always a fixed diameter regardless of how wide the bowl is. Thicker, lower-gauge cables can prevent signal loss from excessive DC resistance for long runs; but here is no such thing as a passive cable that adds signal. You ought to know from your electrician experience that a 15-amp circuit works just as well with Romex 12-3 as it does with 8-3, and both will power a 60w lightbulb to the exact same level of lumens. Likewise, with audio cables, there's no audible difference between adequate and overkill. The wiring and PCB within your AVR and other gadgets all use the finest bulk unbranded copper and nickel silver the Chinese factory has to offer. Or did you disassemble your electronics and solder in upgraded wiring?

You should try attaching an alkaline battery to the cable jacket to reduce distortion by keeping the cable's dielectric polarity primed. Since highs use shorter wavelengths, the electron flow supplying mezzo treble frequencies is not as forceful as bass, and thus more susceptible to collisions with neutrons in non-primed cables, causing your highs to sound dull and lifeless. Adding a battery makes the highs sparkle.

See, I can do it too. A licensed electrician ought to know Nordost's claims are marketing mysticism, not science.
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Audioholic Jedi
No worries. She thinks your an idiot.
See post above about the cables she prefers. But this is my system
Again, the Nordost's stay.
Guess it's good delusion is equal in a marriage.


Audioholic Jedi
Ya but she liked the Chord Cadenza. She also liked the dual Paradigms. She likes her bass and doesn't care about detail. I care about detail and bass. Tight bass. Have you ever been to a concert?
You won't find sloppy bass there..
The Nordost stay......... The Tannoy's stay without the subs.......
Whatever, I've worked in the industry, how about you?


Audioholic Jedi
Just because you folks believe something doesn't make it true either.
prove to me there isn't a difference.........

I don't care about debunked tests. I change direction of a cable after I've broken it in a certain direction. I can hear a difference.....until broken in the other direction.

The improvements in cable design can't be denied. Low voltage data cable is a good example with higher transfer speeds.

FWIW I'm not a dealer. I am an electrician though.
Remind me not to hire you.


Audioholic Overlord
Just because you folks believe something doesn't make it true either.
prove to me there isn't a difference...
Silly wabbit. twicks are for kids.

You really should know better. If you had any exposure to science or statistics you would know it's up to YOU to prove there IS a difference.

Nice troll thread, though.

troll or stupid.jpg


Audioholic Warlord
I don't care about debunked tests. I change direction of a cable after I've broken it in a certain direction. I can hear a difference.....until broken in the other direction.
This is completely delusional statement.

You are tripping! Too much LSD in your youth?


Seriously, I have no life.
prove to me there isn't a difference.........

Here you go again. You meed to prove that it is audibly different. So far you offered a lame anecdote.
I don't care about debunked tests. I change direction of a cable after I've broken it in a certain direction. I can hear a difference.....until broken in the other direction.
You should care, really. Since you don't, you don't want the facts and not teachable in things.
As to that cable direction, really, you have zero clue; waste of time to discuss this with you.
Enjoy your imagined improvements.
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Seriously, I have no life.
No worries. She thinks your an idiot.
See post above about the cables she prefers. But this is my system
Again, the Nordost's stay.
Oh, so she has that preference. Certainly not because she actually hears a difference; that has not been demonstrated or proven.
She can prefer anything she wants to. Just make sure not a testable claim made.
Enjoy that cable, both of you.


Audioholic Jedi
Well, he works in the electrical industry, electrician. Does that qualify? ;)
Apparently not. :) I'd love to see the reaction of the guys rigging a system when he stops and checks the "direction" of the cable.


Audioholic Overlord
No worries. She thinks your an idiot.
Ask us how much weight we put on her opinion. She married you.

(Hey, I'm just picking on straight lines that have been thrown out here now.)


Audioholic Jedi
Ask us how much weight we put on her opinion. She married you.

(Hey, I'm just picking on straight lines that have been thrown out here now.)
I'm sure they make a wonderful couple, at least they have cable listening as a common hobby. Wonder if either of these two "geniuses" can tell the difference between "your" and "you're"? Seems he can't at least.


Audioholic Spartan
The only thing my wife says about cables is they make for a strong noose.
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