Just to cover both sides.
My brother had a 2000 Ford Explorer. He never had any trouble with it. At 280,000 miles his GF talked him into getting rid of it (because it didn't fit her image).
The guy he sold it to (for cheap to a friend) has 340K on it and loves it.
I think this is basically an F150, right?
The arrogance of Detroit in the 70's, when it should have been obvious that Japan was starting to offer better quality, was appalling and I have no sympathy for them, but they have cleaned up their act since.
I am a little jaded on this because I worked for a Japanese automotive company and their culture is to lie about a problem (instead of taking responsibility for it) and bust their butts fixing it behind the scenes.
We have seen this play out in a gruesome way with the recent air-bag debacle.
The Japanese advertise a high level of honor, but part of that maintaining honor comes in the form of not confronting mistakes that would dishonor.
Having worked at a nuclear plant in the US (and you may remember how slow the Japanese were to admit the extent of their nuclear disaster - I don't believe putting emergency systems under sea level at a coastal plant would have ever "floated" here), and later in the US Heavy trucking industry. I was not used to design prints which did not match reality, but we got them all of the time from Japan.
What happened is the designers made a mistake. Rather than call attention to the mistake (and shaming the designer), the Japanese tooling or production group would make changes needed for the design to work. When they moved production to the US, we got the original prints but there was no documentation of the alterations!
It was very frustrating because these were supposed to be mature smooth running jobs (and they were in Japan), but they ended up spending extra money fixing the problems. Before long we learned to evaluate the designs, no matter how long they had been in production.
Don't get me wrong, the individual Japanese people are great. But their culture that has issues in this one area!