Remind me what purpose this gargantuan, over-priced, gas-guzzling, beast serves?
To get me from point A to point B ie home to work and vice versa

Plus hauling any and all of my projects and knick knacks to and fro.
Just playing devil's advocate, do what makes you happy, but living in the south, I'm surrounded by huge trucks that seldom have more than one person in them.
60-75% of the time, the extra power and size will zero purpose and the extra gas will always suck compared to a prius or even just a smaller SUV, I'm not kidding myself about "needing" it. I don't. I could easily get by with a wagon or small SUV and get just about all the functionality I need out of one. I've just always wanted a pickup, the extra size and power will get used from time to time (2-3 times a month), the 4WD/size/weight means going home to visit in the winter is no longer an issue (NY winters are no fun in a coupe), there are some places back home I like to go that require 4WD and not AWD, and
"IF" I can make the numbers work I'll just be as giddy as a pig in sh!t every time I drive it (minus the stops at the pump and the 30+ gallon fuel tank).
As a math teacher, the logic behind a truck purchase falls wayyyyy short of rational, but sometimes you gotta say phuck it and go for it anyways. Besides, I'm at minimum a year away from any purchase if not a couple. The possible house purchase is first and foremost because that'll free up a lot of monthly income for the downpayment/car loan. The rent on this place is crazy.