On the subject of vintage turntables, I was talking with my daughter last week. She was in town helping me to clear out some old belongings and household goods from my late mother's home. We are getting ready to sell it, and have to clear out a lot of stuff.
She told me people in her generation (she recently turned 30) value old things made "in the olden days, like back in the 50s or 60s" because they weren't cheap junk like everything is now. She said how there is now a thriving vintage market in clothing and furniture, among other things. That certainly did not exist when I was her age. This idea hadn't occurred to me before.
Just how true this idea that "vintage is better" is depends on the type of item. I certainly disagree that vinyl records and their playback systems are better than CDs. I was around when nothing else existed other than vinyl records, and I witnessed the revolution of digital recording and CDs. But perhaps this idea has influenced the thinking of many people younger than TLS Guy or myself.
On the subject, my mother did have an old stereo, AR turntable (probably with the original Shure M91 pick up), a small Sansui model 800 receiver, two KLH model 17 speakers, and a more recently (1992?) purchased Phillips CD player. I doubt if the receiver is worth much, I know the speakers are poor, but I might be able to sell the turntable on the "vintage" market for a killing
TLS Guy - what do you know about the value of an AR Xa turntable in apparently good condition?