Late night film.
dtsHDMA 5.1 / Lucasfilm Ltd THX Sound System / JBL professional
Originally released in DOLBY STEREO SR and 70mm six-track DOLBY STEREO with split surrounds and SR-D.
With this I noticed when first getting a few years ago was the front and surrounds lefts/right was reversed very uncommon for bluray and common on VHS and maybe the odd laserdisc of other films.
Its straight forward reverse front surround on the back of the Onkyo TX-SR875 to put the sound and picture in sync.
Dynamics are high on the explosions.
The split surrounds are rocking listening fun in THX sound system, the JBL 8330 with rotor blades spinning around at 1:40:08 between surrounds and front JBL control 12SR LCR HF horns has nice transparent whistle tweeting effect like little birdies overhead. Some nice airy flapping bass on the LCRS as Sly, hangs on to rope ladder above the high mountain tops.
JBL 4645 handles the LFE.1 lows deeply at the start down to close to 20Hz the rest low end on LCRS gives the film a tense feeling on chapter 1, with some deep music notes from, Trevor Jones score.
Some dialogue pans are used now and then on stage left/right.
A sheer high rise action adventure classic.
Spectrum lab monitored on THX 3417 crossover/monitor SW LFE.1 top of the waterfall is just about were the harness breaks on chapter 1.
Waterfall monitored on (mix) THX shows LCR low end wow some low end for 1993. Gets tense just were the girl falls low end in the score presses on the body.
Surrounds thunder rolling all around on the 8330, at the end of chapter 2.
LFE.1 rumble track has windy turbulence on the JBL sub with midair heist.