AVATAR (2009)
dtsHDMA 5.1 PLIIx with overhead/below expansion surround (I lost count) lol / Lucasfilm Ltd THX Sound System / JBL professional x72 speakers.
Resume from last when played might have been months ago.
There are dialog pans across the stage channels and some occasional ones moving off screen and along the right side wall arrays of surrounds at the opening.
Fab bookmark scene
Yeah the picture is still stunningly clear.
2h.23m.38s James Horner score with choir voices chanting (really immersive surround) the stage bass I can feel on my chest with some scenes dragon birds swoop down across stage channels and overhead on my diy own overheads and along the side wall surrounds to back surrounds.
Sully, jumping off the dragon-bird on top of the hover-dragon-ship is running across the hover dragon ship, with each footstep being felt [stomp, stomp] while pulling the pins from the hand-grandes with his teeth clearly stands out on centre stage while L/R remains clear with stereo wide spread openness.
Have a nice day, Quaritch.
Playing same scene from 2h.23m.38s while LCR are muted on Sony SDDS D3000 the clusters of surrounds side/rear/overhead/below is exciting for those love or hate the film, I wasn't into AVATAR years ago, but slowly go into it, for the action scenes, its great demo all around.
Its mostly score and sound effects heard during the scene some off side wall surround explosions. 2h.24m.21 choir fades out the strings take over with faster rhythm with distant alarm briefly in background the exterior of the dragon-hover blades high pitch spinning on the surrounds as the Col. Quaritch, goes to release hatch that (only sounds across stage channels) fires at Sully, that drops a missile that only sounds on stage channels the surrounds has rise level in the score then as flash of explosion moves backwards from fronts to surrounds in Quaritch, face.
The below surrounds are so defused with score its just all around above and below.
2h.25m.15s the dragon-hover-ship hits the trees from behind bending and snapping the breaking the branches as they crack from behind then across the stage channels one by one before finally plummeting nose down into the forest, [kaboom]!
its a knock out fun listening film.