What are you watching tonight?



Audioholic Samurai
I have gone back to Scrubs on Netflix, forgot how much I really liked that series.

Tonight, Jon Wick, mindless action and a lot of fun :)


Audioholic Samurai
EoT was pretty good, but Guardians of the Galaxy was better :)
Got it but Haven't seen Equalizer just yet. Haven't seen Interstellar yet, but have high expectations. (please no spoilers)

For me 3 worst movies of 2014 are:
1. Chef
2. The Maze Runner
3. Divergent

Three Best:
1. Captain America Winter Soldier (Gee wonder why, but it actually was very good)
2. Guardians of the Galaxy
3. American Sniper (I know this is 2015)

1. Hercules (ether version, the twilight dude or the rock)
2. Expendables 3
3. Transformers AOE


Audioholic Jedi
Watching The Killing s04 tonight. Definitely one of the best soundtracks IMO.

Amazing soundtrack. :D
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Audioholic Jedi
Just saw "Deliver Us From Evil". Man, the bass was really hot on this movie. The wife complained. :D


Audioholic General
Dolby Stereo Digital 5.1 with Dolby PLIIx expansion surround / Lucasflm Ltd THX Sound System professional / JBL professional x73 speakers.

1080p upscale

"Please, try to remain calm".

I'll get the Dolby TrueHD on bluray one day.

Picture transfer is good for the DVD and laserdisc that I saw around a friends around 1996 on Pioneer CLD-2950 on Sony CRT.

Saw Outbreak at the local MGM screen 2, Dolby Stereo SR, 24th May 1995.

Now this centre ^^ channel might be familiar to some in USA, around the time?

The Dolby 5.1 is a rush its well crafted mix thou dialogue is centre some panned voice sounds with guy a PA horn speaker chapter 21, that voices out on stage right with echo on right surround arrays and as the guy turns around the voice moves to centre and across to stage left while still echoing and changes tone on few other scenes.

The helicopter chase scene chapter 36 pans along sidewall surrounds back surrounds with PLIIx on, overhead and sense of helicopter on the below surrounds.

LCRS bass is amble with occasional LFE.1 support now and then that packs in extra wallop!


Audioholic Warlord
Rented Fury (BD, of course) from my local video shop - looking forward to this tonight!


Audioholic General
TOP GUN (1986) Laserdisc
Dolby Stereo Digital AC3-3 split-surrounds / Lucasfilm Ltd THX Sound System / JBL professional

Onkyo TX-SR875 1080p/60Hz upscale

No need for the DVD or bluray this afternoon I'll reach for the THX Laserdisc Dolby AC-3.

Side 1, chapter 10, is a whole lot a listening fun as F-14 screech across the LCR to left or right surrounds, smoothly. Bass is amble plenty of kick in the chest with depth and nice support by the LFE.1 discrete (flyby the tower) sonic boom 34m .11s SLAM!

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Audioholic Samurai
This Is Not Happening on Comedy Central.


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Audioholic Samurai
Another show I've been watching is At Midnight on Comedy Central. It's a funny game show. If you don't have cable there are full episodes on Youtube and on comedycentral.com



The Fountain. Have you watched?
I am trying to do it for the 2 or 3 time to really understand and come across everything in a movie line.:oops:
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Audioholic Slumlord
TOP GUN (1986) Laserdisc
Dolby Stereo Digital AC3-3 split-surrounds / Lucasfilm Ltd THX Sound System / JBL professional

Onkyo TX-SR875 1080p/60Hz upscale

No need for the DVD or bluray this afternoon I'll reach for the THX Laserdisc Dolby AC-3.

Side 1, chapter 10, is a whole lot a listening fun as F-14 screech across the LCR to left or right surrounds, smoothly. Bass is amble plenty of kick in the chest with depth and nice support by the LFE.1 discrete (flyby the tower) sonic boom 34m .11s SLAM!

I loved how the little trainer (can't remember the model of the aircraft) made the F15s appear as clumsy lumbering oxes.


Audioholic General
The Fountain. Have you watched?
I am trying to do it for the 2 or 3 time to really understand and come across everything in a movie line.:oops:
I've seen it twice, haven't pulled it out in a while. I'm a fan of Aronofsky but I liked Pi, The Wrestler, and Black Swan better. I didn't really like Requiem and haven't seen Noah.



Audioholic Samurai
I'm really enjoying this show but I'm immature, easily entertained, and not very smart. So there's that to consider before you watch

This Is Not Happening on Comedy Central. They have a different theme every week. Comedians come out and tell a 'mostly' true story relating to the topic.

This weeks topic is family.

Tom Papa swears in front of his cat;

Ralphie May goes to a wedding;



Audioholic General
DOLBY STEREO AC-3 / Lucasfilm Ltd THX Sound System / JBL professional

Diane: Tv people?
Carol Anne: Uhuh.
Diane: Do you see them?
Carol Anne: Uh-uh. Do you?

Jerry Goldsmith score is dazzling chilly scary and exciting. ILM visual effects photochemical effects still holds its ground.


Audioholic Jedi
Watched LUCY last night. I expected more from Luc Besson. Good, not great. It felt like Limitless with a chick only not as good. It had its moments, but didn't quite seal the deal. GREAT audio though.

Have Fury for tonight.


Audioholic General
STAR TREK THE MOTION PICTURE (1979) laserdisc to DVD-RW original fully intact sound effects, DOLBY STEREO / Luasfilm Ltd THX Sound System / JBL professional, 3 showings tonight and now on the 4th.

1080p 60Hz upscale



Audioholic General
Late night film

Patriot Games (1992)
Dolby Stereo Digital 5.1 / Lucasfilm Ltd THX Sound System / JBL professional.

1080p 50Hz upscale

A nice open LCR stage with voice panning to left right and some dialogue pans as well. The effects music with dialogue is nicely balanced throughout with amble LCR bass. Mono surrounds are effective with some sounds that appear overhead with regular surrounds. LFE.1 is sparingly and nicely used.

Picture is nice with a bit of hard grain at times.

Dr. Jones / Dr. Walker / Dr. Kimbal / Dr. Ryan / Dr. Stonehill. Seems to play a lot or doctors. Is there a doctor in the house, any?

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