The forum will have ongoing bugs fixed throughout the week in this thread, please post anything you feel needs to be looked at with screen shots, browser and operating system used if possible.
Once we are happy bugs are minimal we will also be optimising the the setup including making the pages more lightweight including reducing, javascript and static file sizes/usage and integrating caching options to reduce page sizes further.
Please bear with us, it will be an ongoing process over the next week or two while we monitor usage and page load stats to make everything more efficient.
Im sure if you need anything specific
@gene will pass on any requests. This setup is slightly different from vbulletin, much more streamline, modern UI and some functions im sure you will all grow to love, by default you will find the @ tagging like usernames like you would on other social platforms , rating posts or "thanks/likes" can be found by hovering over the post, you will then find some little icons which you can "like , agree" etc etc
Currently every member with over 30 posts is considered an established member, anyone below 30 posts can not yet post Links, have a signature or post on profiles ( their own or others ), this is done to keep the spam at bay. Established members pretty much have full feature sets currently.
You may notice your avatars being slightly blury, the transition has reduced the quality of the originals upon compression however if you wish to upload a new image or the old image again please do so , it will fix the blur.
Thanks for being understanding and patient.