Well, I f#%kin’ hate the settings menus and remote control. What a s#%t show. But, the Game Optimizer menus are cool. Oh, and the picture, holy s#%t! Soooo f#%kin’ good. I’m watching everything over again. “Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2” IMAX Enhanced version is f#%kin’ mesmerizing.

I think I mentioned elsewhere that the new Spidey movie is amazing. Sony makes a damn good disc.
I really wished they’d brought 3D back until I bought this f#%ker. If you light and focus content properly, this thing will make it look 3D. I can’t say enough about the picture quality and I love watching it in a dark room with no other light source. The blacks are f#%kin’ black, just the way they should be.
I’m gaming upscaled 1080p @30/60Hz ‘til this f#%kin’ XBOX 360 Elite dies. They actually built a good one with the Elite. Just my luck. Be a shame if I spilled a beer on it.

Maybe I’ll pop in Rock Band and screech through some of my favorite hits. That ought to kill it.
F#%k you Samsung for blowing out the picture. They are doing it still with their new sets. It’s nice to get a more natural looking image. Oh, and who knew HDMI-CEC could actually function well? This TV stays off when you turn it off. F#%kin’ Samsung.

Anyway, we now continue with your regularly scheduled program.