I thought we put this baby to bed.

The confusion over this issue is caused by the way "Pure Direct", "Direct" and "Auto" are accessed with Denon/Marantz AVRs. The "PURE" button allows switching between all three of these modes. When playing a two channel PCM track, no sound will be produced by any subwoofers in the "Pure Direct" or "Direct" modes. One may have pressed the button to the point of entering "Auto" with a two channel PCM track and the receiver automatically went to STEREO mode as
@William Lemmerhirt can attest. For all intents and purposes, the Denon/Marantz "Auto" mode is the equivalent to Yamaha's "STRAIGHT" mode. They've just plain f#%ked up the implementation and explanation of it. Give it its own button for f#%k's sake. Oh, and the next f#%ker who wakes that baby up can just go ahead and eat the contents of its f#%kin' diaper.

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