I have been stoked, thus far, with my 6012. Zero complaints. There are associated aspects that trigger some WTF moments, like my Marantz App going into Pure Mode. I get I may have done that by accident, but then why can't I get it out of Pure Mode?!

When I'm listening to something with Gobs of infrasonic content.
I was really planning on the HTP-1, but that hound ain't hunting right now. The only reason I would even consider the JBL or Anthem units is if I can find a good discount, AND I knew they were working. Oh... AND, I found TWO sacks of cash on the roadside.
I've fully considered the 8805, and would be interested if they pushed their fix just a little further. If I recall correctly, there is a way to run 15.2 from it, but two channels are just copied somehow(?). If they decided to make this an AVM-90 killer and allow for assignable Sub channels up to 13.4, I'd be knockin on your inbox in a hot minute.

If Yamaha gets things worked out and puts out an intriguing processor... it may be the same.
In the grand scheme, I think the dice have been cast, and there is a lot of interest in flexible processors. The HTP-1 showed you can do it without having to break the bank. These are just computers, after all, with some specialized equipment thrown in to make it all work.