Well since these are the WORST films, I think I'll add a few of my (least) favorite nominees (I'll skip most everything pre-1990 as they were all covered in the 14 seasons of Mystery Science Theater 3000).
House of the Dead: Never has a film so nauseatingly bad been unleashed on an unsuspecting public. Not only does the film lack any worthwhile story (and in a zombie shoot-em-up this isn't that bad of a problem), but even the filmmakers seemed unwilling to try. Some of the worse parts include *cameraman unable to keep acceptable distance from actors. Actors breathing fogs-up camera lens.*Zombies that jump 20' into the air easily explained by on-screen springboards (not even a shrub to cover them).*First zombies seen on-screen wearing the exact-same halloween costume zombie mask I keep on my front-porch scarecrow (It retails for $3.99).*Same zombie had red christmas-tree lights for eyes.* Torgo, from Manos:The Hands of Fate, makes a cameo as the boat Captains assistant.*Without bothering to try to explain the odds: everything on the island is an accomplished martial artist (even the zombies!).*Boat captain is a gun runner (luckily for everyone that has to kill zombies), Why would a gun runner have a career smuggling guns between an abandoned island and Portland, Oregon is anyones guess.*Coast Guard agent, while wandering around the island for no real reason, unloads an entire clip from her fully-automatic rifle into a crowd of people to kill a zombie before it even becomes violent (and thus nobody knew it was a dangerous zombie yet).*"Rave of the century" being held at spooky island. Concert promoters failed to check island for zombies, haunted houses, or even power lines before booking the DJ.*Asian girl in star-spangled jumpsuit does not get naked often enough.*Whenever someone dies, camera must spin around them five times.*For no appearent reason: film footage intercut with videogame footage at random intervals. And not even similar footage.* Two character (lets call them teen 1 and teen 2) just stop being in the film. They're there one shot...gone the next????*haunted house abandoned for 500 years remarkably well stocked with stuff.
Other terrible films:
Dark harvest
Dead above ground
Super Mario brothers
*** & Foot worship 4
Discipline disciples
Asylum of the damned
Blade 2
Queen of the damned
blood moon
Ator the fighting eagle
Conan the destroyer
Gator Bait
last house on the left