Worst Movie Ever Made?



Audioholic Samurai
Rob Babcock said:
If you enjoyed screen legend Tim Thomerson's groundbreaking work in the Trancers series, you really have to check out Dollman! ARGHHH! The painful repressed memories are all starting to flood back- the anguish of every crappy movie I've ever seen! :eek:
I've missed Dollman. I'll have to check that out... :)

Have you seen Dark Angel: The Ascent(1994)? A very fun B movie even though it's technically bad.



Audioholic Ninja
Well, actually I saw both of these on Skinemax at like, 4 in the morning. I'm not sure if they can even qualify as movies, as they're both trashy soft-core porn that tries to have a plot:

'Teenage Caveman'

'Emmanuel in Rio'

Seriously. They represent the WORST things I've ever seen filmed. Period.


Senior Audioholic
What about that movie called "Toys" with Robin Williams and L.L. Cool J.
That was horrible. About half the theater got up and left.

I also thought "Open Water" earlier this year was pretty bad. Possibly the most boring movie I have ever watched. They could have widdled it down from it's hour and fifteen minutes to about 10 minutes and covered everything that needed to be covered. You got left in the "Open Water", the sharks got your husband and you gave yourself to the sharks. See I summed it up in 1 sentence.

In terms of Segal, Van Damme or whoever, I can't really call any of them the worst. Everyone knows what to expect going in. Bad acting and action. I don't think there going for any Oscars. It's the movies that try to truly be good that end up sucking that really should be dubbed the worst of all time.

Black Mask with Jet Li. Only time I ever heckled out loud in a theater.

Also - that Segal movie where he goes after the "Evil" environmental company in Alaska who's only crime was some kind of pollution and kills like 25 guards who just work there and are doing their jobs.

Congratulations - you saved some carribou and killed like 25 dads who were hoping to pick up a paycheck that Friday (ok, they carried machine guns, but so what).
Tom Andry

Tom Andry

Speaker of the House
The Medallion, with Jackie Chan. Even with that hot chick from Meet Joe Black, that movie blew.
Rob Babcock

Rob Babcock

Hmmm...I liked Black Mask! But you're right, it's not "good" in any conventional way. Still, crappy though On Deadly Ground undeniably was, I feel two points must be made: 1) Those guys weren't "innocent dads" but paid goons packin' guns. And 2) How many caribou did he save? Didn't he blow up an oil rig, probably pumping thousands/millions of gallons of oil all over hell? Not to mention the immense clould of fumes & smoke! Best part- at the end, he seems to have been hailed as a here for it all! :eek:


Audioholic Overlord
Mel Gibson's MacBeth (or Hamlet). Whatever... I fel lasleep within 10 minutes.

Oh, Tank Girl is right "up" there too.
Rob Babcock

Rob Babcock

Awright, now that's over the line! :p You must just dislike Shakespeare in general if you didn't like that one. I'd rate Kenneth Brannagh's film slightly higher than Gibson's, but I give Mel the nod for his portrayal of Hamlet himself. Nobody does crazy like Mel Gibson! To me, Brannagh's "Hamlet" was a little too canny, too sly and calculated; a bit too much like a person feigning maddness, which to me is inconsistent with the way the story ends. But that's just me.
Rob Babcock

Rob Babcock

Hey, if you say Lethal Weapon 4 I'd agree you have a point! What's next for the series? In Lethal 14 will Riggs & Mertaug have to battle prescription drug thieves in their nursing home? :p


My two picks for worst of the worst would be: #1) "The Godson" with the late great Rodney Dangerfield and Dom DeLuise and #2) "Reborn from Hell: Samurai Armageddon." My husband says Reborn from Hell would be number one worst if it wasn't for the nekked virgins! :eek:


Republican Poster Boy
How about flowers in the attic, that has to be one of the dumbest movies ever put on film.


I can't pick just one....there are so many bad movies. I usually forget them as soon as they are over....no need to waste memory space, but here are some that still stand out my mind:

Gone Fishin'
Star Wars (all except the original version of the original trilogy)
Return of the King
Ocean's 11 (both versions)

I know there have been worse, but I can't remember them right now.


Full Audioholic
In college, on a particularly stupid day, we decided we'd seen and heckled plenty of awful movies. So why not rent the most famous flop of all time? Yeah, that's the ticket! We'll rent a bad movie on purpose just for the fun of heckling it!

....Can anybody guess which famous flop I'm talking about? Lots of money spent on producing it, real name actors....

Well it was so bad, not only couldn't we heckle it, but we couldn't take more than 1/2 hour of it before turning it off and staring at the blank screen with slack jaws and a bad movie hangover.

The movie was Ishtar. It was and still is the worst movie ever made.


Audioholic Field Marshall
gregz said:
....Can anybody guess which famous flop I'm talking about? Lots of money spent on producing it, real name actors....
I thought you were going to say Waterworld with Kevin Costner! While not a great movie I enjoyed it. Ishtar stunk.


Full Audioholic
UGGH!!! :eek: If not in actual stink content, then by stink multiplied by duration, both Kostner's Waterworld and Postman sure gave Ishtar a run for its money! Focus, Kevin, focus!
outsider said:
Ocean's 11 (both versions)
The original was horrendous - only good for those people who would even pay to see those guys together picking their noses. Can you believe the plot in the original to steal the money was basically "Hey, we'll go to the breaker panel and switch power from the casino doors to the alarm system so that when the alarm goes off the doors will open and we'll take everythng... Genius!" My almost-two-year-old could have come up with a more believable plan.


hawke said:
The original was horrendous - only good for those people who would even pay to see those guys together picking their noses. Can you believe the plot in the original to steal the money was basically "Hey, we'll go to the breaker panel and switch power from the casino doors to the alarm system so that when the alarm goes off the doors will open and we'll take everythng... Genius!" My almost-two-year-old could have come up with a more believable plan.
actually, I've never seen the movie completely. I've only seen bits and pieces....it's so bad I can't watch for more than a few minutes at a time.


I thought of some more last night:

Batman and Robin
Once Upon a Time in Mexico
The World is Not Enough

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