on the same note, while i was there at the Focal/Bryston dealer ...
there was this guy who was going to purchase this:
before he arrived, an ipod dock was connected to it. not bad music, with the 900 series focal speaker (nice room acoustics actually)
ok, in comes the customer, he plugs in his laptop to the DAC with a USB cable. store guy says, "crap, that sounds waaaay better" (than the ipod playing high res songs)
customer agrees, nods his head and taps his feet with the music (seriously enjoying it, i'm very envious of this feeling)
dealer asks him, you want a 1m or half meter cable with that? customer says 1m.
dealer says that was 300 bucks (US) kimber USB cable. customer nods his head like the 300 bucks was nothing still enjoying the music. (damn, i'm really jealous now)
must be fun to enjoy music like that, even if most of it was psychoacoustic. i tell you AH is a real killjoy
one day, i'll have as much disposable income as that guy