

Seriously, I have no life.
Even a Norwegian with a Ukraine girlfirend?
I kind'a like Ontario :p except for coooooooooold winters :eek:
You call Ontario cold? You live in Norway! That's not exactly tropical, ya know.


Audioholic Spartan
Any well implmented CMS at under $1k (means DVDO Duo or AV Foundry VideoEQ).

EyeOne colorimeter, or better.

Any audio processor with the latest Audyssey tech (means Denon or Onkyo).

A Middle Atlantic rack. It'S gRoWiNg!

Height speakers, but I need the audio processor first.

I got the bigger sub, check. I no longer care about Sonos, nor automation.


Audioholic Spartan
1) New display
2) New Pre/pro
3) Get wiring behind the walls.
4) Music server solution for bedroom system.
5) Be debt free except for mortgage by May, which eliminates most of the above.
1) Check.
2) Check.
3) Check.
4) Check.
5) :rolleyes:


Audioholic Spartan
You call Ontario cold? You live in Norway! That's not exactly tropical, ya know.
It's definitely colder in Ontario in winters than here in West Norway... some winters it's hardly below freezing point, but tropical.... no no....

I been in Toronto during cold periods and it's colder than here.....
This has nothing to do with wishlist, but it proves my point..........

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Audioholic Field Marshall
1. Dune HD Smart B1
2. 8+ TB raid array
3. bigger tv and/or front projector
4. A blank check written to cash from Oprah
mike c

mike c

Audioholic Warlord
1) better camera for me : 1DsIII or 3D or 5DIII or 1DIV
2) point and shoot for the wife : Canon S95
3) gun and stuff
4) lens
5) gun safe

i'm just totally financially drained. damn amazon and it's "feels like it's free purchasing" button clicks. add to that our gas stove/oven died and had to buy a new one for the wife. of course a new oven equals a new kitchen aid and whatever baking doodads there is.


After much hee-hawing back and for between DIY, bookshelves, towers, (def techs even!:p) I finally hashed out most of my future setup I'm currently saving for.

1. PSB Image 5.0 system based around either the T5 or T6 towers.

2. Custom dual eD A7s-450 passives finished in dark cherry to match the PSBs. Powered by a single EP2500 w/ fan mod.

3. LG BD570 Blu-Ray player

4. Finally, an upgrade to a TBD receiver that utilizes Audyssey MultEQ XT32 and Sub EQ HT.

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