Alright, this is my #1 pet peeve...
There are NOT enough short stack racks out there. The one listed is one of the few that I have seen, but while I think it looks great, how do I keep my 18 month old away from an open design like that?!?
There simply are not enough fairly priced smaller racks. It is like, once they drop below 3 feet, they suddenly all become WIDE enough to put a 400 pound TV on top of. 8" is almost a ridiculous amount of space. If I have a ton of 8" thick equipment, then it is clearly not enough space in the rack if it is a small rack.
If it is a small rack, I could use 4 or 5 shelves at least, but I only need one big one for my A/V receiver - think RX-V2500 or AVR-3805, then a few inches for a DVD player and maybe 5 for a HD cable box/DSS. A few more maybe for a Monster Power center.
I do not need the rack to be more than 19 inches wide. Heck, it would be preferable if it was designed so that rack rail could be added... 19" dead on! Extra width is pretty much wasted as there are almost no components that will not fit within the confines of a Middle Atlantic Rack.
I just want to see a few more 30" or so racks that are completely enclosed, but have decent ventilation and are designed to have actual components in them. Something I can lock so my son won't mess it up.
Alright - rant off.
I did go with a Wood Technology piece, and had to modify it so I could put rack rail into it, and it isn't an exact rack spacing height... and the front door is glass, which isn't the best for ventilation. But, it worked for me. I just want to see more - it took me about 3 hours of Google to find, and it was the ONLY thing I found.