Actually most of us here believe it is in the speakers, not the amps and preamps. There have been double-blinded studies to prove that amps & preamps are not different in soundstage, imaging, or anything else.
And there are no studies to prove that amps differ in sound at all.
So subjectively we can argue all day long without getting anywhere. But objectively via double-blinded studies, amps and preamps just don't have a sound of their own.
It is true speakers are the big difference of any system.
But any blind test can be rigged. Why do you think anyone can ask for a blind test of 3 amps from the guy saying he will pay out $10K to someone who consistently picks the same amp? Cos he was the ones picking the amps.
IF, on the other hand, the challenger wants to pick the amps, then he also has to put up $10K. Cos he knows the challenger will have done his homework and rigged it by picking one amp that sounds slightly different from the other two. Now if the challenger can pick out that one amp continually is the unknown, but he would certainly stand a better chance than listening to the other 3 amps.
I have three amps here; HK 3390 receiver; HK Citation 19; Parasound HCA2205A. If I am only doing casual listening, they all sound the same. But if I really get into a concentrated listening session I notice the Citation has a much deeper soundstage, better imaging than the 3390. True, it is only slightly different, but it is noticeable if I really do pay attention.
If the quality of the components are better in one amp compared to another, there has to be at least a slight difference. And as I said on my last post, how the bias current is set certainly makes a difference.
For years I used a Yamaha CA2010 amp with my L212 system. The highs were always somewhat edgy. Years later I picked up a Citation 11 pre and the 19 power amp. I did not know what to expect, as I had never used HK before that. The HF was quite a bit smoother, compared to the CA2010. The difference had to be in the bias current, and/or better components used in the Citation gear.