Who Wants to Play with Me?



Audioholic Ninja
I will post my paypal account and you guys can do whatever you want! :D


Audioholic Ninja
Mendenhall was a free agent yesterday and I did want him. He was projected to do better then the other guy according to espn. But the system going down is just part of the game.
If it was completely up to me, I'd let you have it. But, I do have to protect the integrity of the league as well.

If anybody else wants a say in this, speak now. I get that "its part of the game" but that kinda sucks. The system causing problems shouldn't effect the outcome.
billy p

billy p

Audioholic Ninja
If it was completely up to me, I'd let you have it. But, I do have to protect the integrity of the league as well.

If anybody else wants a say in this, speak now. I get that "its part of the game" but that kinda sucks. The system causing problems shouldn't effect the outcome.
You could use players from his bench, like you did for Jamie? I believe the system was up that morning and if things are left to the last minute, than shite happens...JMO.
billy p

billy p

Audioholic Ninja
There is no win in Chris. Or mperfct.
If its any consolation you should get first dibs on re-claiming Crabtree....:D. Apparently he has finally signed a contract with SF.

FWIW....I'd switch you my 3-1 record if it makes you feel any better....:p. On second thought....no thanks. :D


Audioholic Samurai
Week number 5, here we go again, we have some really good match-ups between our teams so good luck everyone and enjoy your football sunday, :)


Audioholic Samurai
L E T S G O E A G L E S :D :cool: :D

* I hope my Phighten Phils warm up long enough to pull out a victory also *
billy p

billy p

Audioholic Ninja
Is it one o'clock yet:D? Got to stay out of those polictical threads....;):)


Audioholic Samurai
No body had it handed the way I did, I am embarrassed to say that I fielded that line-up. I know that once again I definitely over think every move I make and the end result showed this week I am mad at my self for trying too hard to figure it all out. I wish I could have dropped David Garrard in the first freaking quarter, Jacksonville Jags are the biggest bunch of under-achievers in the NFL.

Congrats to our winners and to the new addition to D-Bags, you know the guy that kicked my butt, I will just approach it as simply as possible from now on, I'm not a coach :eek: :)
billy p

billy p

Audioholic Ninja
Hey Saw's

are you not going to field the same team this weekend..;):p...jk...:)
billy p

billy p

Audioholic Ninja
I got my rear handed to me this week. Stupid Trent Edwards!
I told you Orton was available...:p. I'm not there yet, regarding the Bronco's are they for real or not? Here's hopeing that Rivers picks them apart this weekend....without Cutler as the QB, maybe its less incentive for him...:eek:.

BTW...how could you lose to him....:D


Audioholic Overlord
I told you Orton was available...:p. I'm not there yet, regarding the Bronco's are they for real or not? Here's hopeing that Rivers picks them apart this weekend....without Cutler as the QB, maybe its less incentive for him...:eek:.

BTW...how could you lose to him....:D
I took actually expected to lose this week.

You are better off than me at this point though. Rivers will be playing at the end of the season.


Audioholic Samurai
Good Sunday morning football fans, ready for another day of fine football viewing followed up by a victorious Phillies game, great sports day for the Delaware Valley.
Good luck everybody and enjoy the games, sawz.. :)


Audioholic Overlord
Was great until I saw my team wasn't set right. I set it on like Wednesday, but I log in and Trent Edwards is my QB.:rolleyes:

Oh well at least it happened on a insane week for mister squad.

Kind of funny how my auto draft team is insanely better than my team in this league. LOL.

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