User Name -please explain



Audioholic Ninja
Similar to many others Andrew Vaserfirer is my name so avaserfi is my handle here.

My user name is my name. I do not hide behind this keyboard like so many others.
I think you are lying mazer. We all know who you really are:



Audioholic Samurai
When i 1st joined this site everybody expected me to be female from the username,i think somebody even called me maam,fargin bastidg :mad:

Anyhow my wife was horny as he!! & wanted some but i was getting ready to leave to meet a guy on the Michigan Indiana border to sell him an amp,she kept pestering me by doing more & more sexy crap, hoping i'd cave in but i held firm :D

Ive always told her that her "thing" (cant be too graphic) is like a handgun,dont whip it out unless she's prepared to use it,well she wipped it out & asked me what i wanted more,hifi or honey.

I was late meeting my buyer & got a new screen name


Audioholic Jedi
"Halon" stems from my Navy days - I picked it up after firefighting training one day early on; Halon is a volatile fire extinguisher used commonly on ships (and in other industrial environments). The dispensing mechanism for Halon is such that it creates a vortex inside the compartment in which it is deployed, thereby removing nearly 100% of the oxygen in a matter of seconds, therefore extinguishing said fire. It is pretty wicked stuff.

'451' is the commonly accepted temperature at which auto-ignition of paper happens, although studies prove that this does vary.

There, now that I've bared my soul... I'm off to other things. :p
Halon actually reacts and sucks up the oxygen from the surrounding area, so it essentially suffocates a fire. It is used commonly in my former industry, wafer processing, as most of the chemicals are extremely reactive and unstable so halon is often the only thing that can be used to extinguish fires of these types. It is also non-conductive, so it can be used on electronic equipment. It is also a CFC however.

aberkowitz said:
And here I was thinking you were the long-lost son of Jerry & Mountain Girl!!


Senior Audioholic
Halon actually reacts and sucks up the oxygen from the surrounding area, so it essentially suffocates a fire. It is used commonly in my former industry, wafer processing, as most of the chemicals are extremely reactive and unstable so halon is often the only thing that can be used to extinguish fires of these types. It is also non-conductive, so it can be used on electronic equipment. It is also a CFC however.

Oxygen is one of the ingredients of the fire triangle. Remove any of an ingredient in the fire triangle you will extinguish the fire.


Audioholic Samurai
Similar to many others Andrew Vaserfirer is my name so avaserfi is my handle here.

I think you are lying mazer. We all know who you really are:

Mazer does admit to drinking alot,Hmmmm...............


Full Audioholic
My user name comes from the Heroes of Might & Magic PC games. In HoMM1 Alamar was the ruler of the warlocks. Because I really loved the warlock faction I just took the name of their ruler.

For more information: Celestial Heavens ...


Audioholic Samurai
My user name comes from the Heroes of Might & Magic PC games. In HoMM1 Alamar was the ruler of the warlocks. Because I really loved the warlock faction I just took the name of their ruler.

For more information: Celestial Heavens ...
That is an excellent game,im a bit old to play video games but when my oldest son was a little boy i would play games with him,the little turd got me hooked on RPG's.

My favorites were the Legacy of Kain series.


I chose the name because I got online in the mid 90s and I was big into video games and wanted to learn graphics design for video games. Thus I decided to make my online name as Polygon. I didn't get into graphics design for games but I did get into general graphics design with Photoshop and programs like Bryce, Infini-D, and a little Lightwave. I'd like to learn to use Lightwave a bit more and become familiar with 3D Studio Max as well.

Because of that the name stuck.


Audioholic Warlord
Anyhow my wife was horny as he!! & wanted some but i was getting ready to leave to meet a guy on the Michigan Indiana border to sell him an amp,she kept pestering me by doing more & more sexy crap, hoping i'd cave in but i held firm :D

Ive always told her that her "thing" (cant be too graphic) is like a handgun,dont whip it out unless she's prepared to use it,well she wipped it out & asked me what i wanted more,hifi or honey.
And you think your the first. :rolleyes:

You've moved 3 times and still have the same mailman. :eek: LOL


Audioholic Jedi
You want the mask off

I think the point of all this is to get the masks to drop. Not a bad idea.
I'm TLS GUY. I'm sure you have figured it out. I love Transmission line speakers. As far as I know I'm the only guy other than the late John Wright of TDL, to have designed and constructed dual Transmission line speakers. Yes I got the idea from him.

My name is Dr Mark Carter of Grand Forks and Benedict Minnesota. I'm a critical care physician, and this morning had to confess to practicing electronic engineering without license.


Senior Audioholic
I stole some guy named Chad's wallet and the name just stuck :)


Audioholic Field Marshall
I get asked this question quite a bit actually.

Haoleb is broken down into two parts Haole, which is a name that locals will call a tourist or someone from the mainland here in hawaii. Basically anyone who is white. To some people its kind of a racist term but I was born and raised here and dont feel that way. And the second part the "b" which is the first letter of my first name (and last for that matter) Which is Brandon. Hence, Haoleb. Quite often gets misspelled when others try and write it to. I would say about 80% of the time. :)

I had a couple other usernames for a short time when i first started gettting online but it has stuck for quite a few years now probably 7 or 8 years. I like it and use it basically as my online identity everywhere except for one forum where I used to use it but for reasons I wont go into can no longer use it and was forced to get a new one. :rolleyes:


Audioholic Ninja
I get asked this question quite a bit actually.

Haoleb is broken down into two parts Haole, which is a name that locals will call a tourist or someone from the mainland here in hawaii. Basically anyone who is white. To some people its kind of a racist term but I was born and raised here and dont feel that way. And the second part the "b" which is the first letter of my first name (and last for that matter) Which is Brandon. Hence, Haoleb. Quite often gets misspelled when others try and write it to. I would say about 80% of the time. :)

I had a couple other usernames for a short time when i first started gettting online but it has stuck for quite a few years now probably 7 or 8 years. I like it and use it basically as my online identity everywhere except for one forum where I used to use it but for reasons I wont go into can no longer use it and was forced to get a new one. :rolleyes:

And here all these years I thought it was haowli.

Good kind... :)
the grunt

the grunt

“The grunt” was my Hash name in the Wellington NZ Hash House Harriers. Given to me by the guys because I was an 0331 (M60 machine gunner) serving in Wellington as a Marine Security Guard (embassy guard). I liked it better than “jackrabbit” my Hash name in Okinawa.



Well, mine originates from a previous handle I used to use, which was Thaedes. Thaedes was something I put together simplistically from a real bad point in my life. I felt like I was going to hell, and I had always been a big mythology and philosophy buff. Hades in ancient Greek myth was the abode of the dead. The T came from simplifying To, and the E in between the A and D was for Erebus which among other things was a dark place in Hades.

Thaedium was later derived from Thaedes, as a sort of 'place'. Not in the context of geographical location, but that of a mindset. I suppose I'm a man of some pretty dark thoughts even at the best of times.

Originally Posted by mazersteven
My user name is my name. I do not hide behind this keyboard like so many others.
Hiding eh? heh. Hiding from what? My guess is people use the handles for fun, not for evasive purposes. ;)

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