My shopping would include the Speakon terminals like I linked earlier for the sub, I use these crimp
terminals on that terminal inside the sub (some prefer to solder); used this
bit to install 'em on the last couple, but before that I used a 1" spade bit I had (and either way I make the hole airtight with a bit of museum putty).
Connectors for each end of the speaker wire, either
this style or
this one. I like
these feet. I finished my last sub with
duratex. I used
t-nuts and these
bolts on my baffles for the driver; not necessary and some have had bad experiences with t-nuts stripping, some just use some wood screws. I used Elmer's Carpenter's wood glue.
If you want a grill this
fabric is what I use; Jo-Ann Fabric & Crafts for fabric and stuffing material is a thought, too. I buy magnets for the grills from K&J Magnetics (but Parts-Express has some, too), they have a wide variety, I kinda like their
countersunk ones, learned larger is better, think I'd go with 1/2" dia next time (think I used both 1/4" and 3/8" dia so far). I had leftover plywood from my builds to build the frame with, tho.