Made me laugh...galactic fart. That's what the missus accuses me of doing.
Nice post, Mudcat, but not quite accurate. Only a couple of mammals have proven to be sentient. The great apes, hominids (us), and dolphins are the only species I'm aware of that have been proven self-aware. As an example...take a dog into a strange room with a mirror where it can see barks at it, or wants to play, or looks around the other side of it looking for another dog. Paint a bright red spot on its forehead and it will do the same, never recognizing it is itself. Now put a gorilla or chimp in the same situation, and it will rub its forehead when it sees the image of the red spot on
it's own face.
All other animals (with certain humorously stated exceptions) interact with their environment without the benefit of self-awareness. A dog stepping on a hot ember and yelps and never goes near fire again is not self-awareness. But it is learns from its environment. (Smart dog!

) Being sentient and being intelligent, though related, are separate things. Intelligence does not require sentience.