<font color='#000000'>As far as teh .44, .38, uzi and so on goes, check this out
Railguns > all
As far as cables go, might as well roll your own. That way you'll have something made to your spec (length any aethetics, flexibility of cable, etc), and the price will most likely be far lower than even monster cable. You can get interconnect cable that even has teflon dielectrics and foil shielding for about 75 cents a foot. RCA connectors can easily be $2 each.
Sadly, when I hear someone talk about how they met this cable and suddenly their system's sound has changed, I think of the following. Replace "cable" with deity of choice, and "system's sound" with "life" and it's basically a religious testimony with slightly different subject matter.
Sure we buy whatever sounds best to us, but that doesn't mean it's any more or less accurate than another component. At least to me, accuracy is the goal. Sure an accurate system will make some recordings sound bad, but that's because that recording IS bad.
My gear may or may not be even close to accurate, but I'm just playing with what budget I have. With that budget, exploring anything that has no evidence backing it up is not going to happen. Everything for my music system has to have plenty of specs, and anyhting that isn't speced (like calbes), I choose to make myself. The end result, at least to me, seems to be very good for a sub-$900 system. Would I call my system perfect? Heck no, I have no proof backing it up. I do knowf some weaknesses in the speakers especially.
Sound quality and What sounds good to a person often does not go had in hand, mostly due to pyschological reasons. We all like things we are familiar with. Example, if you grew up in some asian countries, fishheads are delicacies. Here, we think of fishehads as disgusting. If a person who grew up here goes to a country where fishehads are delicacies, they will still not like them, just because they are not comfortable with the idea yet. Maybe in a year or two that person will love fishheads, who knows?
Sound is much like the fishhead, in that we get comfortable with certain sound characteristics, and consider everything else bad, when in truth the sound may have been far more accurate, and the listener was just uncomfortable with the new experience that they just became part of.
So we have the balance of what we have become accustomed to, and sound quality. We all strive for quality, but some do fall into the hole of loving certain sound characteristics. So long as they chose to fall in that hole, good for them, but if they are being guided down it by someone merely trying to make a commission, that's all bad.</font>