Too Many Hobbies? What else do u guys collect?



Senior Audioholic

See system here:


Nikon D2X (digital)
Minolta Diamage Z (digital)
Nikon F5 (2 bodies) (two view finders)
Konica T3 (Older Film body)
Mamiya RB67 (6x7 format)[8 film backs and two view finders
5 Nikon Lenses from 35mm through 300mm
6 Konica Lenses from 28mm to 500mm
4 Mamiya Lenses from 90mm to 500mm

Slot Cars
88 foot routed HO track - 3 lanes
72 foot routed 1/32 \ 1/24 track - 3 lanes
about 30 HO cars
about 24 1/32 cars
8 1/24 cars
Parts to build another dozen 1/24 cars

building and testing cables
slightly less than 2000 feet of plenum cat 5 (teflon insulation and teflon jacket)
500 feet of silver plated 10AWG wire
about 1000 feet of 10/4, 12/4, and 14/4 cables
about 2000 feet of techflex in various colors and sizes
Tektronix Oscilloscope (250 MHz- 4 channel)
Instek Oscilloscope (GDS800C - 2 channel)
Metex Digital Function Generator (MS-9170)
Instek LCR meter (LCR821)
Instek milliohm meter


Full Audioholic
I see once again I'm not alone. I've always joked that my problem isn't that I have a hobby collecting (expensive) things, but that I collect hobbies!

Right now the worst is photography (Canon 20D, impending L-coholism--if you're a Canon shooter you will understand, getting into studio, so more expense). Let's see what else, cars, music, PCs, dabbling in mountain bikes, the list goes on. My only saving grace is there are only 24 hours in a day, so I have to cut off some interesting-looking stuff.

How is it that people that have to go out and "find" a hobby survive? :p


Junior Audioholic
Claude, im stealing your line... We collect hobbies!!!! Thats what I'll tell my girlfriend.. She'll understand hehe
Tom Andry

Tom Andry

Speaker of the House
Oh yeah, climbing. I know, I live in Florida...not exactly surrounded by mountains. I don't really consider it a hobby, more of the only exercise I can do without getting bored and dropped it but it does suck up a bunch of funds for equipment and toys.
Tom Andry

Tom Andry

Speaker of the House
rjbudz said:

I "gave up" drinking 7 years ago, this week. My last bottle? A 1982 Latour. What a way to go out. :) :(
After an '82 Latour, you might as well give up wine...everything else is going to be a disappointment...and I hate you. :D


Audioholic Ninja
Tom Andry said:
After an '82 Latour, you might as well give up wine...everything else is going to be a disappointment...and I hate you. :D

I had dragged that bottle around with me for over 13 years. I prayed (and I'm not religious) that it had not turned. I paid about $200 for the thing in ~1986. I pulled the cork. Hesitated...fearful. Gave a playful sniff into the ambient air. Got closer...hesitatingly. Took a deep inhalation. OH MY!!! 'Twas like losing your virginity to a French Countess (which I did, lol!). Tom, I swear to you, that bottle of wine was the closest thing I can imagine to drinking liquid silk. It should be its own foodgroup, it was so very unique and d e l i c i o u s!!!

Eat your heart out. ;)
Rip Van Woofer

Rip Van Woofer

Audioholic General
As one ages and gains enlightenment and perspective, the attraction of heedlessly accumulating objects tends to fade.

Especially if you already have most of them! :p

I have a weakness for tools. I have learned to restrain myself somewhat, so I am less likely to buy those that I will not have the need or knowledge to use. Note I said "<i>less</i> likely".

Experiences mean more and more to me. That means travel, live music and cultural events. Next month we're going to India (south, centered on Mysore in Karnataka state for any Indians out there).

Fly fishing, too. That opens up a whole 'nother area of gear to covet! In fact, I wonder if there are fly fishing opportunities in India...hey, if there's water and fish...


Junior Audioholic
Flyfishing is great!!! Very spiritual... I live in the great northwest and we have some of the best fly fishing, lots of areas are designated Fly only zones. We have 22" and longer Steelhead and Salmon up here. Funnn, I catch and release... but its sooo peacfull to just stand there in the water and be one with nature... wait... isnt this a HT board... heheh funny how we wander. What a fun topic, glad I started it heheh *wink


djpain75 said:
Hey all, I'm new to the forum but loooove Home Theater. Started years ago with pro logic, what fun that was. Over the years I'v upgraded here and there and finally got what i consider a nice little system. Heres the thing... if I had put all my money into only HT, hmmmm I prolly could open my own theater!!! So my question to you guys is this... What else do you guys collect that prohibits the ultimate HT? Here is my list...

1. Gotta have some tunes in the ride (White Mazda 6 w/black windows) right? Were talking Sony color screen cd player, infinity 6.5 components all around. Kicker 12" L7 solo baric run by a 800 watt rms Fosgate mono block amp. My second car a black Dodge 1500 sport has a Kenwood deck, infinity components, and a 12" sub (forgot the brand but its good) with another 800 rms Fosgate amp.

2. Gotta have the flyest pc to go with the HT right? Amd xp3200, 1gig ram, 6600GT vid card, 80 gig Raptor HD, Sony 17" lcd monitor, and every new FPS game imaginable.

3. DVD's - Which of us dont have a decent dvd collection right? I'm workin on over 700 of em right now. Then also in this catagory I'm spending like $100 bucks on a nice little storage system for those... pics to come...

4.Now of course with all that pimp gear above u gotta have a fly phone right... so of course I got tha Razr V3 for those late night calls :D

5.Cigars & micro brews... heres yet another hobbie that is taking money from my dream HT.

I guess my question is... Am i the only one here overly concerned with having the coolest stuff in every catagory? Or do you too suffer from this ailment????

Just wonderin... if I'm normal :confused:

Thanks for the posts!!!
just kidding just a whole wack up audio.
Tom Andry

Tom Andry

Speaker of the House
I love to fish but I don't do it very often (I did when I lived in Mississippi). As my child matures, it will definitely be on my "hobbies to pick up" list.
a/v moron

a/v moron

Junior Audioholic
I really hesitate to admit this, but a few years back I took up collecting "HOT SAUCES". :eek: I have no idea why, but I wound up with several hundred bottles from around the world. Then I got married. Well, suffice to say, I haven't bought another one since (except the occasional Tabasco). My only other true hobby is golf. I have quite the collection of drivers. I still haven't found the right one though because I am still in the rough quite a bit. :eek:


Audioholic Samurai
MUSIC,gave up count after 3,000 title's.

MOVIE'S,a little over 500 at last count.

MCINTOSH hifi gear from all era's.


1993 harley davidson fatboy,1340 cc evoloution,lowered with touring package,s&s super e carb,oil cooler,k&n filter,vance & hines 2 into 1 pipe,everything else stock,every day rider.

1977 harley davidson superglide,1200 cc shovel head,lowered hard tail frame,slight rake,s&s manifold & carb,k&n filter,vance & hines short shot pipe's,oil cooler,20" ape hanger's,bob tail rear fender,7.5 gallon fat bob tank's, custom chrome gauge's,belt drive conversion,solo spring seat,forward control's,way too much chrome to list,spoke rim's,custom 12 coat black pearl paint.

1974 harley davidson sportster,1000 cc shovel head, big bore kit,semi rigid frame,springer front end, high rise manifold,mikuni carb,sporty fat bob tank's,forward control's,drag bar's,solo seat,gary bang 2" shot gun drag pipe's,oil cooler,85th anniversary edition mag's,bike is not finished yet,still lot's to do.

my wife collects vintage greeting card's,porcelian doll's & hand carved wooden indian figurine's.


Audioholic Samurai
zumbo said:
Me too. Sorry highfihoney, I like motorcycles that will run.:eek:

I mean, go fast!:D
silly guy's:)

over 50k on the fatboy with only tire change's & tune up's:eek:

the superglide is my mid life crisis bike:D

the sporty will be my son's 16th birthday present when it's done:)

your right about fast,none of my scooter's are very fast that's why im thinking about buying a buell lightning,that's fast:)


Junior Audioholic
Ahh, my most expensive hobby(not investment) is owning Thoroughbred Race horses. Want to know how to make a small fortune with horses? Start with a large fortune!

Then, in decreasing cost compared to HT is my wine collection, only about 120 bottles right now but it is growing. Golf in the summer and skiing in the winter.


Junior Audioholic
Love to come back in here and know im not alone. Thanks Everyone!!!!

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