Too Many Hobbies? What else do u guys collect?

Rock&Roll Ninja

Rock&Roll Ninja

Audioholic Field Marshall
I have a motorcycle, and a computer, and a CD collection, and credit card bills. Credit Card bills are the primary reason I don't have a New Mazda MX-5 and font projector 7.2 HT rig. :)


Junior Audioholic
alandamp said:
I'd find out who shrunk your TV and have words with them!! I mean the rest of your setup must make fun of the TV all day and all night. It can't be good for the TV's self-esteem :D .
Thats sooo funny, seriously... :D


Audioholic Spartan
djpain75 said:
Zumbo... love the pics... nice house! What kinda speakers are those?
Thanks.:D The house is old and needs alot of work. It's big, and on the water though. If we ever get finished buying cars, motorcycles, and audio, we might work on the house and furniture.;)

MB Quart QLS-830's front and rear
MB Quart QLS-330 center
NHT SW-12 sub


Audioholic Spartan
alandamp said:
I'd find out who shrunk your TV and have words with them!! I mean the rest of your setup must make fun of the TV all day and all night. It can't be good for the TV's self-esteem :D .
When my knocks the dust off of it, she states it's all she needs.:eek:


In the process of upgrading my Home Theater ATM but you can check out my current setup in my sig.

I have 2 PC's due to the fact that I run an online computer hardware review site. The specs are:

Computer 1:

AMD Athlon 3700+
MSI K8N NEO2 Platinum
X800 XT PE
1gig Mushkin Redline PC3200
120gig Seagate Barracuda SATA
400w Enermax Liberty PSU
Silverstone TJ06 Case
Nitrogen NT02 HSF

Computer: 2
AMD Athlon 64 3500+
ECS KN1 SLI Extreme
1gig TeamGroup Xtreem PC3200 2-2-2-5
BFG 6600 (Soon to be upgraded after my contract with XFX goes through)
120 gig Western Digital 7200RPM SATA
Arctic Cooling Silentium T1

BTW, my site is

I also really enjoy snowboarding and golf. I'm into hockey and basketball aswell but dont play them competitively

I used to be a semi-professional counter strike player in CAL Premier.

HRM... what else....
Oh yeah... I'm a senior in high school :), I'd like to think that the future looks good when i can balance this much stuff as it is :p AND BETTER YET... IM CANADIAN =D


Junior Audioholic
Maybe one of these days I'll get out of my funk and get a real job and buy a house... stranger things have happened. My plan would be to make a dedicated HT room of course right. At least I have a girl friend that loves HT almost as much as I do. She talked me into buying our new Sony HDTV... I was hesitant to spend that much right now... so at least i have support for my ailment right!!!


Junior Audioholic
Rocky... dude... hook me up with a new vid card!!! XFX rocks!!! heheh
Check out my pidly little website.. its at the bottom of my sig


Junior Audioholic
Shep! What kinda bike is that? Are you like 5' tall? jk mannn =) I love mountain biking and weight lifting also. The later does not hinder my HT additions tho... just a gym membership and the protein/creatine orders right! hehehe
mike c

mike c

Audioholic Warlord
djpain, its not a tank, its a pond ... kois are nice to look at only from above


Junior Audioholic
heheh thats what i meant, =) I love going to the Asia Gardens and just relaxing and enjoying the Koi and architecture!!!


Audioholic Warlord
djpain75 said:
Sheep! What kinda bike is that? Are you like 5' tall? jk mannn =) I love mountain biking and weight lifting also. The later does not hinder my HT additions tho... just a gym membership and the protein/creatine orders right! hehehe
Theres a parts list in that post. I built it up piece by piece.

Its small because I hop around and big bikes are harder to manuver(typo).

Tom Andry

Tom Andry

Speaker of the House
All I collect now is wine. Got a '94 Lafite and a couple of Italians, a '05 Opus One, a few bottles of Stags Leap (Fay, SLV), couple of Cakebreads, a few mid 90's Silver Oaks (before they started to suck), a '95 Far Neiente...pretty modest at this point. We've been slowly eating though the "good stuff" as special occasions come about. I've also been building up my music and DVD collection recently (can anyone say business expense?).


As far as collections go. Really don't have none, ok, I have around 2 dozen knives from regular pocket knives from, cold steel, S&W,sypderco, to a handmade Gruken(sp?) knife I got in Kosovo and an Iraqi Bayonet. I also have 2 handcrafted walking canes I bought in Poland, one hides a 2ft foot blade while the other has a switch on the handle the pops a 3" dagger out the bottom of it.

I would like to expand my firearm collection but that seems to be going at a very slow rate, though I did pick up a Springfield XD 45 ACP(can we say 13 in the mag, one in the pipe:D ) in OD green with a 6x surefire light/laser attachment at a gunshow last week.

Edit: Hey rjbudz, yeah I got the 45 not the 40 like I said in the PM. Was thinking of my Tauras PT100 for some reason.


Audioholic Ninja
Matt34 said:
I would like to expand my firearm collection but that seems to be going at a very slow rate, though I did pick up a Springfield XD 45 ACP(can we say 13 in the mag, one in the pipe:D ) in OD green with a 6x surefire light/laser attachment at a gunshow last week.

Edit: Hey rjbudz, yeah I got the 45 not the 40 like I said in the PM. Was thinking of my Tauras PT100 for some reason.
That makes more sense. How do you like the surefire?


Audioholic Ninja
Tom Andry said:
All I collect now is wine. Got a '94 Lafite and a couple of Italians, a '05 Opus One, a few bottles of Stags Leap (Fay, SLV), couple of Cakebreads, a few mid 90's Silver Oaks (before they started to suck), a '95 Far Neiente...pretty modest at this point. We've been slowly eating though the "good stuff" as special occasions come about. I've also been building up my music and DVD collection recently (can anyone say business expense?).

I "gave up" drinking 7 years ago, this week. My last bottle? A 1982 Latour. What a way to go out. :) :(


Audioholic Ninja
zumbo said:
'99 Kawasaki ZRX1100: Muzzy Stainless Race Megaphone exhaust, Dynojet Stage 3 jet-kit, ZX11 cams, K&N filters, and Metzler Sportec M-C1's.

'01 Honda CR250: Pro Circuit pipe & shorty silencer, Factory Connection suspension, Boyesen Power Valve Cover, V-Force reed-valve system, Renthal bars & sprockets, D.I.D x-ring chain, and jetted for climate.

'03 Honda VTX1800:Honda leather studded saddle bags, Honda windshield, Honda deluxe backrest, Kuryakin grips, and Kuryakin pasanger floorboards.

Do you remember Rob Carpenter? He raced primarily here in the northwest...made it to the top of the roadracing heap, then wiped out at P.I.R. and lost an arm. He's a member of Audioholics, but I understand doesn't visit much, anymore. (We drive away some good'uns, I guess.) He loaded up on Wilson speakers. :eek: :eek:

Check out the pic...


rjbudz said:
That makes more sense. How do you like the surefire?
It's a real nice piece. Doesn't throw the balance of the gun off at all and easy to get on and off. I just need to get a holster that accepts it.
The Chukker

The Chukker

Full Audioholic
how about...


p.s. obviously photography is NOT one of my hobbies...



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