Once again, people are generalizing!
On the acoustic energy vs frequency discussion, It depends on the contents. Same for electrical energy vs.., just more variables. Violin solos are not going to have much much energy below 200 Hz, Jurassic Park movies will have tons below 100 Hz. Anyone can easily think of other examples to support their opinions one way or another, so everyone can be right depending on their picks.
And by the way, same thing about REQ vs No REQ, it depends on the rooms, and/or speakers:
I just REW'ed my two channel system yesterday after playing around with DL:
If ADTG's gigantic RBH and his room has a suck out like that, I bet he would be screaming ?!!!!#$^(*)!!.
Even if he has the top end Trinnov REQ (that he won't use), it wouldn't help him enough.

But I guess he his room is excellent acoustically speaking, by design or by chance.
View attachment 54557
In my other system (LS50), you can see the opposite. REQ took most of the impressive bass due to room gain away, but no big suck outs so guys like ADTG (sorry, not picking on you, but need a good example

) would be happy.
View attachment 54561