Dang, you are missing out with no gun shows. Also, ammo is usually slightly cheaper at a show, and you can actually get the harder to find ammo there. Of course, it's usually a $5 fee for entry. It's also a great place to get blades professionally sharpened while you wonder around.
Heck, they were kicking around the idea of allowing beer sales at gun shows around here. But the catch is that if they do that then no live ammo will be allowed onsite. I'll take ammo at gunshows over beer at gunshows any day of the week.
Thanks for the info on the Springfield. Yeah, I was leaning that direction anyway. I guess I'm just looking at 9mm cuz I really like that EMP!

I already have a Springfield XD .45, and that is a fine pistol, but maybe a bit large for CC. I have never yet had a misfire or misload on it after ~1000 rounds (and my friend that I bought it from has never had a problem with it either). My experience with that XD made me a Springfield fanboy for sure. But, I already have a Baby Desert Eagle II in 9mm too.
Yeah, I might have to go back and reconsider that Sig that you linked to. You would now be the 2nd person to rec that sig. The first is a guy that I work with that is ex-AF special ops, and he keeps it in his truck.
And as far as Wilson, I have never had the opportunity to really check one out, but I have heard nothing but great things about them.
Any comments on that KSG? Or the similar UTS-15?