TF&TF one...Dodge Charger, blower out da hood, fat tires on the back, wheel stand off the line...Doh! Woody again!!!
Have to agree with all the V8/rear drive folks. My
'70 Monte has a stroked small block (388) right now, but those 427, 434 or even possibly 454 small blocks have me licking my chops. New HT, big inch small block. New HT, big inch small block. Decisions, decisions! If only I could find a machine shop around here that would do good quality block work.

I've had two shops screw up blocks three times.
As far as handling, I love to see the tuner boys come up on my rear when taking the entrance ramp onto the interstate. With my suspension mods, sticky tires and V8 power, I just mash the loud pedal and leave them in the dust. They can't usually keep up on the curves or the straightaway even though I outweigh them by close to 1000 lbs.