Well Antman is Marvel, but Disney own it and it has been a big problem for over a year with all their releases.

My purchases have mostly been Star Wars and Marvel films and everything has suffered because of this nonsense.

Antman and Wasp has been the first and hopefully not the last to restore the audio level.

I did not need to touch the dial

. Now if we could just pressure them into putting the Atmos out on the Blurays too.
Yes Blank Panther, Thor Rag, Avengers Infinit, Last Jedi all have this problem, others too to a lesser extent. I reckon it is around -10dB down and compressed dynamics. Solo was a bit quieter, maybe -5dB down and the dynamics were better, so maybe Antman is not really the first. Deadpool 1 was quiet but this was not under Disney at the time, Deadpool 2 is quieter too but I think is at this point, I am not entirely sure.
Some had blamed the sound guys at Skywalker but they did a number of other films at the same time which oddly don't have this problem, curious no?