Last night we watched Intersellar. Still not my favorite Nolan film and the last 30 mins is a bit meh, but up mixed, the sound was very nice, especially the duststorm, liftoff, travel through the wormhole. Overall it all worked well

I will say dialogue is a bit low compared to the effects.
I also have starting watching Dunkirk. Only about half way through, but it too is sounding very good. Initial pounding of the mole, aerial attacks and first ambush in town.That said, the battle does not really stack up well against the Saving Private Ryan beach assault.
We were drunk the first time we watched it, completely lost the plot and had no idea what was going on.

Kept wondering where all the people being evacuated were. Consequently we didn't really like the film. I may have been too harsh, but it's still not great for the main characters. Maybe it will improve by the end, I remember very little from the last time.
ANNIHILATION, we probably read different reviews then
@Danzilla31. It is an ok film, although I was not set up for Atmos at the time.

It kind of looks pretty and has Natalie so it has that going for it, although I prefer her in V and Leon.