Audioholic Spartan
Hadn't heard that one. Lucas and Kennedy stopped giving a s#%t about the writing years ago and cared more about the merch. Disney should have never accepted her in the deal but they are also a company banking on good will of old properties and toy sales so they thought it was a plus. It only made bad things at Lucasfilm worse. It's all fun and games until you alienate fans with agenda programming and everything starts flopping. All of this s#%t is supposed to make money after all. Write a good, and original, story and more folks will tune into it no matter who is in it. Put s#%t like Obi Wan out there and you deserve everything that comes your way.Kennedy was fired in April, mainly due to the bad shows I expect. One of the directors for Mandalorian, Dave Filoni, is currently in charge and I would say that is a good thing.