I don't know this particular mount, but feel pretty safe making the following statements.
You may need to go to the PE pics to zoom in to see it more clearly, but you have several slotted holes in the back on the two horizontal bars. You should be able to find one stud to attach to on both sides top and bottom to secure it, so you should have 4 solid screws in studs. If the center slot happens to align with a stud bully for you, but don't sweat it (don't mount TV off-center just to align that slot).
If you look at the front of the assembly, you will see two vertical bars. You will lean the TV against wall and attach these to the TV's threaded mounting holes. The main thing is to find your studs and use a level to locate the holes up front. Some units come with a carboard template (often printed on the inside of the box) which you can use to make sure the holes line up with the bars.
Much of the ease of this part depends on how readily the mechanism can be removed from the rear bars. Obviously, if you are just mounting the bars then attaching the mechanism, that is easier than having to support the weight of the mechanism while you are lining up the holes and screwing the bolts into the studs.
If you look at the attached brackets with the chrome hardware, you will be lifting the TV and hooking these over the top of the large plate. That can probably be done by one person, but easier to use two (a lot depends on how easily the mechanism will move when you contact it - ideally you would want it rigid for hooking the TV over it, then easy to move after you are done).
Once the TV is hooked on, you will use screws to fix it in place.