This is a hobby, and an expensive one at that. All demo's, blind tests, and opinions are welcome. This is a forum, and thank goodness people have differing opinions. How many of you have read this entire thread 3x and have not posted?
IMO Buck says it all very well in this post. I think that Craig is to be commended for what he did. He had over a bunch of audio nuts to his own home, treated them well, put on the best darn demo/test that he could, and then wrote a very concise and readable article to sum up the event for us. He never claimed this was the holy grail of sub tests, this was just a fun night out for some (a night in for Craig) guys who got to demo a couple of subs in a real world environment. Were the tests perfect? Probably not, but he did a much better job than I could of done. It just seems like a lot of guys are being ungrateful or catty about the whole thing. This took a lot of time and resources for Craig to pull off, and he doesn't deserve to have a flame war on his thread simply because he had the time, resources, and inclination to do a head to head test of products most of us would love to be able to own one of, let alone test in this manner. I don't think SVS came across poorly at all.
Some of the problems you guys had, like the sample size being too small (this is the guys house, 6 people is enough!), not enough variety in the music selections (why should craig have to spend another buck fifty to pick up whatever crap from the discount bin kids were listening to last week?), and not enough time taken to dial in the subs (what do you want from the guy?, it's a home theatre, not a research facility). I do understand that some people had trouble with the methodology, and to be honest, I know when I'm in over my head and I can't debate said methodology at the same level most of you can, but couldn't about 5 pages of this thread have been avoided by simply PMing Craig and asking him to revise the post explaining his limitations or to at least address your concerns? Also maybe I missed it, but at what point did Craig ever say, Axiom is better, don't buy SVS? Even if you don't like the results, at least appreciate the effort.
Anyway thanks again Craig, I still enjoyed what you wrote, and I think it's great that you are into your hobby as much as you are.