Sony removing 1300+ shows from peoples PURCHASED content library



Audioholic Spartan
To “Buy” digital content simply means that it is available to the purchaser so long as the seller has the rights to distribute it. Lose the rights and the buyer loses access to the content. The licensing fine print says as much. I lost lots of content purchased on an XBOX years ago. I stopped buying anything on it.


Audioholic Spartan
To “Buy” digital content simply means that it is available to the purchaser so long as the seller has the rights to distribute it. Lose the rights and the buyer loses access to the content. The licensing fine print says as much. I lost lots of content purchased on an XBOX years ago. I stopped buying anything on it.
Yeah, renting is a much more correct description than buying.


To “Buy” digital content simply means that it is available to the purchaser so long as the seller has the rights to distribute it. Lose the rights and the buyer loses access to the content. The licensing fine print says as much. I lost lots of content purchased on an XBOX years ago. I stopped buying anything on it.
Then don't have a 'Buy' button as the connotation is a purchase. Have a 'License' button.


I learned my lesson when Walmart had a music service. I just got online and downloaded redbook audio(pirated I guess) that I purchased.


Audioholic Slumlord
I learned my lesson when Walmart had a music service. I just got online and downloaded redbook audio(pirated I guess) that I purchased.
If you already "purchased" the content, downloading another copy from 3rd party source if the original one isn't available isn't pirating. It's your content. You paid for it. They failed to provide the means to use it, so you fixed it.


Audioholic Spartan
Then don't have a 'Buy' button as the connotation is a purchase. Have a 'License' button.
I am in agreement. What folks are buying is a right to play the content from a particular "seller" while the "seller" has the rights to it. They aren't actually buying a copy of the content as they would be when buying a physical copy of it. I've made very few digital purchases in the last few years. I've also made very few physical media purchases lately as well. Streaming has come a very long way and I hunt down streaming service deals online these days to save a fortune on media. Though, I did buy an album on blu-ray the other day. Hey, it was on sale and features an Atmos/TrueHD track.;)


Audioholic Jedi
Reminds me of the digital movie copies....when the host goes out of the business you lose your content. Digital content can often be more like a longer rental :)


If you already "purchased" the content, downloading another copy from 3rd party source if the original one isn't available isn't pirating. It's your content. You paid for it. They failed to provide the means to use it, so you fixed it.
Publishers, etc, would beg to differ I think. At least when WalMart was giving up the business they told you how to rip your content to local storage.

We are certainly well into 'Agenda 21' .


Audioholic Jedi
"Lease" aka renting I agree is what they are saying. However, if I no longer have access to content that I "own" the license to, then you owe me money back because you cannot provide it to me any longer. If you can no longer provide access to a "service" I paid for, then you have broken the agreement.


Audioholic Spartan
The seller owns the license, and they run out. They sell you the ability to view content for which they have a license. At some point they will not sell anything but only offer a subscription to their service app and one can view anything in their catalogue for a monthly fee until licenses change hands. This is why services promote those movies and TV shows that are "Leaving Soon." I'm not saying it's not f#%ked up, but it is funny that many will spend big sums at the movies for one viewing and have no issue while others will complain about a digital purchase made years ago and watched more times than they can count being taken away. Move on with your lives and buy physical copies when you can do so.


Audioholic Jedi
Physical copies don't exist for everything or are even more costly. For things that I *DO* want to own outright, I buy a physical copy whenever I can. I understand how their agreements work, which is why I don't buy a lot of things that way, but for some items it may be the only option.

This all came up years ago when Amazon deleted a bunch of digital books from people's accounts that they thought they "owned" and then the came to find that they only owned "access" to them.


The seller owns the license, and they run out. They sell you the ability to view content for which they have a license. At some point they will not sell anything but only offer a subscription to their service app and one can view anything in their catalogue for a monthly fee until licenses change hands. This is why services promote those movies and TV shows that are "Leaving Soon." I'm not saying it's not f#%ked up, but it is funny that many will spend big sums at the movies for one viewing and have no issue while others will complain about a digital purchase made years ago and watched more times than they can count being taken away. Move on with your lives and buy physical copies when you can do so.
There are applications that will allow you to capture your purchased streams.


Audioholic Spartan
Oh yes, you mean those apps that strip DRM from media in violation of terms of purchase?;)


Audioholic General
And this just had to happen on a Sony machine....any method of downloading and saving what you paid for is off the table.


Audioholic Spartan
Actually that is currently up for legal debate. 'Buy' has well defined legal connotations.
You could start by reading the license terms of what you “bought” and realize you didn’t actually buy it, like say, if it was a CD or a Blu-ray. So now you’re whining about it.

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