This is why I've never bought a digital copy of anything, ever... Well, okay, I've bought some mp3 files that I could download to my computer. But, then I had actual copies on my computer.
Seriously, I get how frustrating this whole scenario is. Yes, I think it is potentially open to a class action lawsuit if the term 'buy' was involved in the nomenclature. The licensing agreement is what consumers would need to challenge and would need to make clear that 'license' and loss of that license, was not clearly spelled out in a way that would make it clear exactly what was being purchased.
Yes, having a digital copy on your computer is much safer than hoping to be able to stream something when you want to. This isn't easy for everyone to figure out, even though it is rather easy to do and setup. Plex, in the home, can take under an hour to follow a tutorial on setting up, and then the players are built into most televisions and almost all streaming devices like Roku, Apple TV, Fire TV, etc.
I can't believe anyone is shocked by this though. This has been the argument by those who love physical media for years and years. If you don't have a physical copy, then you don't own it. This is almost laughable that anyone would be surprised by this. Because it IS laughable. It's a massive "What did you expect?" to those impacted.
Not that this is good. It's not good. It's just not, in any way, a shock to those who have seen people ignore physical media in favor of convenience.
I hope it goes to court. I hope they (Sony) lose. But, if Sony doesn't lose, or it doesn't go to court, then this will just keep repeating itself over and over and over.