I checked a current Denon now, it supports both redistributing LFE to the mains and also adjusting the level.
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I have an 1 month or so old Marantz 7706 AVP. You can not send the LFE to a speakers other than subs. You can only direct the bass from other speakers to a sub and not the mains. I think this is pretty usual practice. I had not heard of an AVR or AVP previously that could direct the LFE to a speaker other than a sub.
In any event, what makes active speakers so attractive is the ability to perform tasks that passive ones can't. This allows for innovative ways to improve overall performance.
The fact that my full range main speakers can handle the LFE with ease and also one of the bass drivers offload the mids from BSC is a huge advantage. In addition this allows BSC to be made variable and set to room and speaker position. Five of the speakers in this system have variable BSC, although the side surrounds only have two settings. The ability to do this is why I don't need Audyssey, Dirac and programs of that ilk. It allows for perfect integration of the sub signals.
This is all not difficult to engineer with active speakers and really sets them apart.
So, I would strongly encourage to experiment along these lines. You will be surprised how these techniques substantially improve results over conventional passive speakers. I have a certainty you could enhance the advantages of your speakers being active, along these lines.