I haven't listened to or enjoyed my system for 2 channel music playback in a good six years when I swapped my 2.0ch separates setup out for a 5.1 receiver(s). Right away I could notice the difference. The sound is much thinner/hollow, less dynamic (playing the same CD the difference between the loudest passage to the quietest sounds more compressed on the receiver compared to my separates.)...should I consider searching for a used Sunfire Ultimate Receiver then I would have everything I like and need all in one box? I really wish I could get back to the level of 2 channel music playback I used to have where now it sounds so horrible in comparison (weak, compressed, dull) I never listen to just music anymore - and I miss it. It's one thing to not have the best and be happy with it, but it's another thing to be at one level and drop down to a lower one. I really feel like I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place.
I hear you, man. This was my EXACT thoughts!
I've been searching for an all-in-one or even a pre-pros that might be able to match my Class-A analog stereo preamp in terms of 2Ch music reproduction.
I've been asking myself WHY wasn't I able to get the same clear sound from a receiver or pre-pros?
So that's when I started looking at the specs - crosstalk, THD, frequency response, SNR, etc. I thought there must be something in the spec that would give it away.
Yes, I've read that THD of 1% is "good enough"...that frequency response of +/-3dB is "good enough"...that SNR of -80dB is "good enough"...that crosstalk of -20dB is "GOOD ENOUGH"??? Good enough that we "should not" be able to distinguish?
But are they really "GOOD ENOUGH"?
And good enough for WHOM?
But maybe it is something entirely different -- not within the specifications. But where?
See, in my own personal A/B comparison ($550 HK247 vs. $1,500 Pioneer Elite pre-pros vs. $800 Acurus RL-11 analog stereo preamp using the SAME SPEAKERS AND 200WPC AMPS), I have heard over and over again the difference in sound clarity. I felt that the receiver and pre-pros sounded "compressed" too, but I thought it was JUST ME -- that it was all in my head.
But looking at all these specs of $2,500 - $10,000 pre-pros, $300 - $600 receivers, and also comparing some stereo preamps, I just don't see "the light at the end of the tunnel".
Could it be simply the crosstalk?
I'm hearing from a few people that, NO it is not simply the crosstalk.
That's why I came up with the idea of using THREE analog stereo preamps. I thought that if receivers and pre-pros could not satisfy my 2Ch music, then why not just use 3 preamps?
But honestly, I've been telling myself that if the Denon 5808 or Yamaha Z11 or Onkyo 1000+ models had phenominal specifications (crosstalk -110dB, frequency response +/-0.0dB, THD 0.001%, SNR -120dB, etc.

), that I would sell all my separates and buy one of them.