

Republican Poster Boy
As opposed to the rest of the country that is mostly filled with a bunch of degenerates who have no morals and do believe in a higher power.
Well touche, I won't argue with you there. Just look at the idiot we got for a president:p


Seriously, I have no life.
Hmmm, a different twist than I was thinking, but I like it!

I was thinking that "Rickster's Law" would be similar to Godwin's Law and would be something like, "As an Audioholics discussion grows longer, the probability of a remark requiring a 'Not that there's anything wrong with that' approaches 1." :)
Where does TTIUWP come in?


Audioholic Ninja
OK, you found 4 examples. Not exactly mainstream Hollywood, is that?
Actually I listed four. I didn't look for any.

Charelton Heston wasn't mainstream? Arnold Schwartzenegger, the highest paid actor in history, wasn't mainstream?


You forgot Bruce Willis. Hey- maybe that's why he and Demi didn't work out.
Robert Conrad
Tom Cruise
Charlie Daniels
Bo Derek
Shannen Doherty
Denniz Franz
Morgan Freeman
Angie Harmon
Wayne Gretzky
Kidd Rock
Sherly Jones
Matt LeBlanc
Rob Lowe
Brian McKnight
Ricky Schroder
Steven Speilberg
Ben Stein
Fred Thompson
Travis Tritt
Janine Turner
Jean-Clade Van Damme
James Woods
Tiger Woods

Stars who took art in the GWB innaugural ball:

then there's the group at
(warning: some repeats)
Charlton Heston
James Woods
James Reynolds
Bruce Willis
Bo Derek
Clink Eastwood (should be
Patricia Heaton
Rick Schroeder
Emma Caulfield
Pat Sajak
Arnold Scwarzenegger
Lisa Kennedy
Tom Selleck
Jesse Ventura
Shannen Doherty
R. Lee Ermey
Kim Serafin
James Earl Jones
Cheryl Ladd
John Malkovich
Heather Locklear
Drew Carey
Kurt Russel
Barret Swatek
Tracy Scoggins
Edward Hermann
John Larroqutte
Denis Leary
David Ruprecht
Aaron Russo
Chuck Norris
Gerald McRaney
Fred Thompson
Kelsy Grammer
John Gavin
Delta Burke
Tony Danza
Robert Klein
Johnny Grant
Richard Lee Jackson
Johnathan Jackson
Fred Grandy
Connie Stevens
Dixie Carter
Jimmie "JJ" Walker
Dale Dye
Jim Nantz
Bob Gale
Adam Sandler
Micheal Moriarty
Robert Duvall
Glenn Ford
Danny Aiello
Gary Sinise
Jerry Doyle
Denzel Washington

Try thinking before you post please.


Seriously, I have no life.
Actually I listed four. I didn't look for any.

Charelton Heston wasn't mainstream? Arnold Schwartzenegger, the highest paid actor in history, wasn't mainstream?


Robert Conrad
Tom Cruise
Charlie Daniels
Bo Derek
Shannen Doherty
Denniz Franz
Morgan Freeman
Angie Harmon
Wayne Gretzky
Kidd Rock
Sherly Jones
Matt LeBlanc
Rob Lowe
Brian McKnight
Ricky Schroder
Steven Speilberg
Ben Stein
Fred Thompson
Travis Tritt
Janine Turner
Jean-Clade Van Damme
James Woods
Tiger Woods

Stars who took art in the GWB innaugural ball:

then there's the group at
(warning: some repeats)
Charlton Heston
James Woods
James Reynolds
Bruce Willis
Bo Derek
Clink Eastwood (should be
Patricia Heaton
Rick Schroeder
Emma Caulfield
Pat Sajak
Arnold Scwarzenegger
Lisa Kennedy
Tom Selleck
Jesse Ventura
Shannen Doherty
R. Lee Ermey
Kim Serafin
James Earl Jones
Cheryl Ladd
John Malkovich
Heather Locklear
Drew Carey
Kurt Russel
Barret Swatek
Tracy Scoggins
Edward Hermann
John Larroqutte
Denis Leary
David Ruprecht
Aaron Russo
Chuck Norris
Gerald McRaney
Fred Thompson
Kelsy Grammer
John Gavin
Delta Burke
Tony Danza
Robert Klein
Johnny Grant
Richard Lee Jackson
Johnathan Jackson
Fred Grandy
Connie Stevens
Dixie Carter
Jimmie "JJ" Walker
Dale Dye
Jim Nantz
Bob Gale
Adam Sandler
Micheal Moriarty
Robert Duvall
Glenn Ford
Danny Aiello
Gary Sinise
Jerry Doyle
Denzel Washington

Try thinking before you post please.
The acting community is loaded with extreme liberals- you know it and I know it. Of the thousands of actors, directors and producers, this is still a small list of conservatives. A list of four is hardly representative of mainstream Hollywood. They're in the minority, by far.

I do think before I post- try not thinking your opinion is the only one that counts.


Audioholic Ninja
The acting community is loaded with extreme liberals- you know it and I know it. Of the thousands of actors, directors and producers, this is still a small list of conservatives. A list of four is hardly representative of mainstream Hollywood. They're in the minority, by far.
Please check what you quoted. I did not list four. I listed in excess of thirty.

How many have you listed? Where is your statistical claim supported? Exactly how can I tell if someone is "mainstream hollywood" or not. How are the likes of Steven Speilberg not "mainstream hollywood", and what percentage of hollywood is "liberal" vs not? Where did you get this data from.

If you want to discuss "small percentage", how many of the thousands of actors, directors, and producers have come out to support Polanski? Is the list even as long as the one I just made of some of the GWB supporters?

I do think before I post- try not thinking your opinion is the only one that counts.
The question at hand is not one of opinions, it is one of facts.

As a general rule, any generalities like the ones you've made are boud to be untrue and the results of either a stereotype or an adjenda. Like any large group, hollywood runs the gambit of personalities.

And you really hurt the case of those of us trying to show why Polanski should be brought to justice when your post such dishonest charicatures of the opposition.


Seriously, I have no life.
Please check what you quoted. I did not list four. I listed in excess of thirty.

How many have you listed? Where is your statistical claim supported? Exactly how can I tell if someone is "mainstream hollywood" or not. How are the likes of Steven Speilberg not "mainstream hollywood", and what percentage of hollywood is "liberal" vs not? Where did you get this data from.

If you want to discuss "small percentage", how many of the thousands of actors, directors, and producers have come out to support Polanski? Is the list even as long as the one I just made of some of the GWB supporters?

The question at hand is not one of opinions, it is one of facts.

As a general rule, any generalities like the ones you've made are boud to be untrue and the results of either a stereotype or an adjenda. Like any large group, hollywood runs the gambit of personalities.

And you really hurt the case of those of us trying to show why Polanski should be brought to justice when your post such dishonest charicatures of the opposition.
WHen I posted about four, it was in reference to your original "list".

Honestly, our going off-topic is bad enough but what he did is definitely worthy of incarceration, and should be in any country. The fact that anyone is in his corner is a symptom of the "If it feels good, do it" BS that puts pleasure before morality. Pushing some limits it OK but when it comes to sex with children, it shouldn't be allowed. Morality is still subject to debate but

Check these out:

Take note of some of the quotes in these:

If you want to debate Hollywood's leanings, look at who has the influence there and who would possibly gain from supporting him.

Here's one with numbers.


Audioholic Ninja
WHen I posted about four, it was in reference to your original "list".
I was confused as you had quoted my longer list.

Honestly, our going off-topic is bad enough but what he did is definitely worthy of incarceration, and should be in any country. The fact that anyone is in his corner is a symptom of the "If it feels good, do it" BS that puts pleasure before morality. Pushing some limits it OK but when it comes to sex with children, it shouldn't be allowed. Morality is still subject to debate but
I think that Poanski was clearly and reprehensably wrong. Ignoring that she was 13, she was drugged and still saying "no". There is absolutely no excuse and no reason he should not have had serious jail time. I sincerely hope he gets extradited to the US and goes to prison.

Check these out:
OK. I will. Let's start with an earlier commnet of yours:

"Of the thousands of actors, directors and producers"​

Now from your source:

"138 people in the film industry who signed a petition"​

So if we assume your initial comment is correct, and I believe it is, then there are thousands. With 138 signatures, that leaves, well, thousands of non-signatures.

"It doesn't matter if you are a big-time movie actor or a big-time movie director or producer," Schwarzenegger told CNN's Wolf Blitzer. "I think that he is a very respected person, and I am a big admirer of his work. But nevertheless, I think he should be treated like everyone else." -

"In an online poll in the French daily Le Figaro, more than 70% of nearly 29,500 respondents said Polanski should face justice for his alleged crimes." -,0,4013914.story

and that, by the way, needs to overcome the dislike by the French of other countries putting their citizens in jail.

It's a mistake to judge a group, whether the French, or Hollywood, or indeed America, by the loud minority.


Full Audioholic
Because hollywood is mostly filled with a bunch of degenerates who have no morals and do not believe in a higher power. Therefore, there is no right wrong or anyone they have to answer to. I am sure there are some in hollywood who would not defend this slime, but you won't hear a peep from them via the lamestream media who is immoral as well.
How do you reconcile such a sweeping immoderate statement with your role as "moderator"?


Republican Poster Boy
How do you reconcile such a sweeping immoderate statement with your role as "moderator"?
Being a moderator does not bar me from having an opinion. Sorry if you don't like it, but that is my opinion. Last I checked we are still allowed to have those in this country. If you think my statement is incorrect then by all means prove it wrong.


Audioholic General
My oldest daughter turns 13 next month, and if someone pulled this on her…the results would never have gotten so far as to require an extradition ;):mad:


Seriously, I have no life.
Actors are liberal, so what?

Preachers are mostly conservative, so we are even.

Or are you jealous?:p...
Are you saying that you're an actor?

Jealous of what, being liberal? Not a chance. We aren't discussing preachers, we're discussing a rapist whose arrest was due, but is being decried by people in the acting community.

I wonder what these same people would do if she was their daughter. A hearty handshake, pat on the back and "We'll do lunch- have your people call my people"?
Last edited:


Audioholic Warlord
How do you reconcile such a sweeping immoderate statement with your role as "moderator"?
Being a moderator does not bar me from having an opinion. Sorry if you don't like it, but that is my opinion. Last I checked we are still allowed to have those in this country. If you think my statement is incorrect then by all means prove it wrong.
Actually, jeffsg4mac, you made a broad, sweeping accusation against a large community of people from all walks of life. I believe the onus is on you to prove your statement is correct.

If I were to say that Charlton Heston is a crazy, senile old coot and therefore shouldn't be allowed near a firearm, would it be fair to say the same about all NRA members? Do you think I should have to prove that statement? Of course I should.

Just to be clear, I'm not trying to pick on Mr. Heston or the NRA, which is comprised of millions upstanding citizens; I'm just trying to illustrate my point.

Of course, you can make such accusations all you want. I'm just saying that broad sweeping statements which stereotype a group of people are not going to convince any free-thinking, intelligent reader unless you come up with supporting evidence.

Someone could say that Christianity is full of degenerates due to the high profile cases of some Roman Catholic clergy being involved in serious sexual misconduct, or televangelists fleecing their flocks and living high on the hog. As a Christian, I would take grave offence to such accusations.

What it boils down to is, if you make such accusations, don't expect to be taken seriously as a moderator. Goodman's question was perfectly valid.


Seriously, I have no life.
I don't really identify myself this way but I'm a liberal. Seeing that I like our Canadian government run health care, I guess Americans would label me a Marxist degenerate slime...:)
No, just Canadian.:D

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