Received my Carnegie CSB1's today, a lot of people wanted to know what I thought...



I am not much of a Youtube fan for music - and even filters and, or Dac's will not
cover/fix much of that

Have Fun
Oh, it's just for general listening - videos, shows, etc. I use a laptop and it's just always hooked up to the receiver because I play Flac files (JRiver) and the computer speakers are absolute crap. I am surprised sometimes at the quality of some downloads though!

Lyle Mays and Alex Acuña - Duo #1 - YouTube


No Rez and Soni-Caps

I have not added stuffing to my speakers yet, as I did not have my tools. Apparently the last time I moved, I dropped some stuff off at my parent's for storage. I completely forgot until I went to open up the speakers and well couldn't.

I have to say I'm thoroughly enjoying the speakers especially for music. I have yet to find a genre of music they do not sound good with. I will not say they make poor recordings sound good but the "harshness" I had noticed with some recordings is significantly diminished with the tweeter in these speakers.

I am currently running without a center and even without a sub, for music I really do not notice anything missing. Obviously for movies the missing sub is noticeable, but with living in an apartment they are certainly acceptable. The speakers also image well enough that unless I consciously think about it, I do not notice I have no center speaker, as everything comes from the center of the television. I do miss surround speakers sometimes, but I do not miss the wires running across my floor.

I hope to get the speakers finished this weekend, with pictures to follow.
Replaced the original capacitors on my CST and center channel speaker plus added the No-Rez and I do think that sound is better from both. Since I was not able to do an A/B comparison due to the time for the upgrade, I don't feel qualified in saying how much better they are now than before, but I can say that after another re-breakin period, that I am enjoying many old recordings more than I ever have and hearing nuances that I did not notice previously. For those who like doing upgrades...


Audioholic Jedi
I received my X-over upgrade components for my Carnegies the other day and will hopefully be installing them this weekend.


Audioholic Spartan
Replaced the original capacitors on my CST and center channel speaker plus added the No-Rez and I do think that sound is better from both.
So, the capacitors sound better? How do the Capacitors sound better?
Did they change the sound of the voice coil in the speakers?


Audioholic Chief
So, the capacitors sound better? How do the Capacitors sound better?
Did they change the sound of the voice coil in the speakers?
if the values are within tolerance, probably not noticeable. Years later they will make a difference due to the less likelihood of degradation.


Audioholic Jedi
Having performed the Sonicap upgrade on my A/V-2s and A/V-1s, I can say that it did make a noticeable difference in the midrange clarity and resolution. I had my two A/V-2 surrounds previously, which did not have the upgrade and the difference between them and my mains was audible. Now that the surrounds were stolen, I can't compare them anymore. Not sure the level of quality of the components in the Carnegie x-overs though Danny indicated they were decent, but he said the Sonicaps would yield a cleaner, smoother sound across the entire range.



So, the capacitors sound better? How do the Capacitors sound better?
Did they change the sound of the voice coil in the speakers?
I can tell you that Danny Richie and Gary Dodd were both emphatic on the upgrade and I did not feel at all that they were trying to spin me. The speakers do sound better, but as I said, I can't quantify that meaningfully, but certainly worth the upgrade cost to me.

It seems like someone might have said such in another thread, but I am deriving great pleasure at listening to these speakers at a low volume level, that this is a new experience for me to do so. :)


Out of curiosity, what is the difference in the new crossover?


Audioholic Jedi
No difference, just cap replacement. Apparently my iron is insufficient to get these going, so going over to a friend's place tomorrow to have him help with the cap replacement. Had a tough time with one cap and decided to make the call to my buddy who does electronics repair on the side. I also thought I had a solder sucker, but zero chance of locating it since so much stuff is still in boxes...



Audioholic Jedi
Just need to get everything reinstalled.

Unfortunately, I seem to be missing one cap for the CSC, so had to contact GR and hopefully get one out soon so I can do it also. Good thing I didn't take that one apart...

This will be the fun part :rolleyes: Once the connectors are crimped, Danny said they pretty much don't come out (looks like they are actually glued to the cabinet on the inside) and the leads that go to them aren't long enough to pull all the way out to solder them back onto the PCB. I *really* don't want to, but looks like I am going to have to extend them because the input connectors are partially beneath the board once it is installed.
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Audioholic Jedi
This will be the fun part :rolleyes: Once the connectors are crimped, Danny said they pretty much don't come out (looks like they are actually glued to the cabinet on the inside) and the leads that go to them aren't long enough to pull all the way out to solder them back onto the PCB. I *really* don't want to, but looks like I am going to have to extend them because the input connectors are partially beneath the board once it is installed.
Number 1 is complete. It almost sounds like the tweeter's level was slightly toned down, though the detail is still there. I noticed this when I upgrade the others as well. I have it running opposite one of the A/V-1s right now with no polyfill and just a few screws to make sure it actually functioned :) The difference is less than with the other speakers as well, possibly because the inductors were not also upgraded. Will have to do some more listening to get a better feel for them and I will probably connect the CSC to the other side to see if there's a difference in the sound of the tweeter. Getting ready to start the next one.

Something to add?


Audioholic Jedi
#2 together and currently not working... :( Checked obvious wiring and looks like I will have to pull the whole thing back apart.
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Full Audioholic
I've been away for awhile and before I left, I don't remember any talk of an upgrade to the speakers, aside from adding polyfill. Was I missing something or is it a new development?


Audioholic Samurai
I've been away for awhile and before I left, I don't remember any talk of an upgrade to the speakers, aside from adding polyfill. Was I missing something or is it a new development?
I am wondering the same thing, what did I miss in regards to an upgrade to the center, towers and bookshelves??


Audioholic Jedi
I've been away for awhile and before I left, I don't remember any talk of an upgrade to the speakers, aside from adding polyfill. Was I missing something or is it a new development?
It is a DIY upgrade to the crossover. Danny has offered it from the beginning through GR not Carnegie (if you ask him) as it is based on the existing N1 kit. The N1 x-over is different, but he offers a similar upgrade for these. Carnegie does not offer parts or services. I asked him if I could buy additional x-overs so that I could build them and just swap them out, but he said they don't have spares for sale. That concerned me quite a bit, but I'm generally handy and did my A/V-2s myself, but what I was worried about is what happened. I got frustrated with it and left it like that since I didn't feel like desoldering everything again... So I haven't touched them in a week because I've been sick and have also been way too busy and have setup my A/V-2s instead for now.

From what I DID hear on this upgrade though, I might say hold off on it as well. It wasn't an earth shattering improvement - If I get very close to the center and one working CSB-1, the difference is very difficult to pick out; very fine detail does seem to be improved but not to the point where I feel I could identify in a blind comparison. I won't be able to get back to these for about a week.


Audioholic Spartan
From what I DID hear on this upgrade though, I might say hold off on it as well. It wasn't an earth shattering improvement - If I get very close to the center and one working CSB-1, the difference is very difficult to pick out; very fine detail does seem to be improved but not to the point where I feel I could identify in a blind comparison. I won't be able to get back to these for about a week.
All you had to do was, to spend $1100 on the N2X Ninga Master monitor.
Ready to Play GR Research N2X Monitor

His website is back online - maybe he will buy GR Research.
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Audioholic Jedi
All you had to do was, to spend $1100 on the N2X Ninga Master monitor.
Ready to Play GR Research N2X Monitor

His website is back online - maybe he will buy GR Research.
Yeah, he was already offering that kit before and I had him build my A/V-1 upgrade x-overs too:

Wish I waited and had him do the CSB-1 x-overs, but now I may just have him build some for me or send it to him if I can't get them the one to work :) I still have the center too....waiting for the last cap to show up and figured I'd do both of them at the same time.

I heard the N2X (also fully upgraded) and wasn't crazy about the mids from the 6 1/2" midbass. The N1 is likely to sound a bit better as it uses the standard M130. I had Sean quote me for a fully built and upgraded N1 a while back too, but then Danny dropped the price of the CSB B-stocks and my other A/V-2s got yeah.
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Audioholic Spartan
Yeah, he was already offering that kit before and I had him build my A/V-1 upgrade x-overs too:

I heard the N2X (also fully upgraded) and wasn't crazy about the mids from the 6 1/2" midbass. The N1 is likely to sound a bit better as it uses the standard M130.
Somehow, the N2X Master does not really stand-out to me - however, there are some who will spend and like it.

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