Well, I got my pair yesterday. Came in perfect shape - even the box. (I've never had a speaker box come in perfect shape before - -they all have dents, small holes, etc.)
After moving around the polyfill inside to clear a passage for the woofer to the back port - they had a bit more bass punch than before. I can't remember what else changed about the sound.
As I almost exclusively listen to older music (pre-1990's), I can say that these speakers are pretty unforgiving on not-so-good recordings - the high frequencies. It's even hard to listen to them at much volume connected to my computer watching youtube videos.

The Pioneer 22's roll off the upper end so I can listen to not-optimum recordings at a higher level without it being "painful." Having said that, they make the Pioneers sound anemic. These are much fuller sounding. They are more laid back than my B&W DM302's which the sounds seems to come out of the front of the speaker rather than behind it like the Carnegies.
The Carnegies sound less bass heavy pulled away from the wall. Unfortunately, I won't be able to pull them away much more than 14" - though I'll try later. (My room is not large.) I don't find the lower bass as tight as the B&W's though those don't go nearly as low even though they both have 5 1/4" woofers. (56 vs 70 Hz -3db) I haven't had a chance yet to listen to them with my sub(s).
They certainly are a nice sounding speaker. The info/sounds from the recordings come through very clearly and with more "precision." With my equipment - Sony CD player and Pioneer receiver with a chip amp (VSX-912), I notice a bit of a hollow sound to the midrange.
My ears are pretty sensitive so I think they probably would sound better with better equipment. They certainly sound better than my other speakers - except of course, when cranking up not-fantastic recordings.
(The two good recordings that I can listen to loudly on these are Dave Grusin's Discovered Again ('76) and Barney Kessel - Poll Winners Three ('62)