I'm a bit baffled by this. It sounds like you're having some trouble running/understanding Audyssey and you're taking it out on Marantz.
Page 16 of the AV7005 user manual describes how to check the EQ curves:
Marantz US | AV7005
Auto Setup --> Parameter Check
To my knowledge, all Marantz receivers allow this. It will show you some approximation to the filter used for both the Audyssey and Audyssey Flat settings. You can not tweak the filters (without an Audyssey pro kit), you can also not see the curve for the subwoofer (which I find pretty annoying).
There ABSOLUTELY are EQ points below 63 hz. In fact, the whole point with setting your speakers to small is that the resolution of the filters used for the subwoofer is 32 times that of the filters used for the other speakers. So with Audyssey XT it is particularly beneficial to use "small" and a 80hz or above crossover to capitalize on these finer resolution filters. (Aud XT32 uses the same resolution of filters in the sub and other speakers).
I'm sure the XMC-1 is great, but I wouldn't give up on the Marantz before understanding how to use Audyssey properly (your combo with the XPA-5 is a good one too). IMO, there is night/day difference with/without Audyssey dynamic EQ and I wouldn't want to be without it. I'd try it some more. -Jon