Really Boring Stuff Only

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At least jamie and Alex wasn't sucked into this Black hole, or was it bloak hole, now I'm only worried about Adam, and still hoping my ex-wife got sucked in.....
She already sux over. You will bounce back soon......


Audioholic Slumlord
No comments on the bull? This is a magnificent bull and I want Adam to know that I only posted the pic because of that not because I didn't care about water sports in Arizona. Water sports in Arizona are very dear to the hearts of all and are world renowned. Arizona ... yeah, like a close second to Florida ... just ahead of Hawaii.



Audioholic Slumlord
Pizza is on the way.

This is my last pizza!!! I will not say why because the pepperoni has already hit. Anyway i thought i got to know some cheese but really i Know no cheese. I guess i let my guard down somewhat, Anyway good luck to some of the mushrooms. I will check in to the menu every so often because some items are very tasty.

good bye
pizza bread sticks :D

Yep, waiting for the delivery guy and bored out of my skull. Fret not Harald, Vizionut will be back but where is Adam? If he ever got a g/f he would be like MIA ^10. Sheesh, I'm gonna go watch TV.


Audioholic Field Marshall
I am done with college coursework FOREVER! Woohoo!

Plus, I got A's in my last two classes.

Time to drink...

...some water. :D
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Audioholic Spartan
WooHoo, four days off...starting six hours ago.

Oh, and we bought a tens machine. Handy little gadget. We should have done that years ago.


Audioholic Spartan
No comments on the bull? This is a magnificent bull and I want Adam to know that I only posted the pic because of that not because I didn't care about water sports in Arizona. Water sports in Arizona are very dear to the hearts of all and are world renowned. Arizona ... yeah, like a close second to Florida ... just ahead of Hawaii.

How do you know it's a bull???:)


Audioholic Spartan
come on dude, "chances of brakes going out" where you there?

true what? I was just telling you what i heard.... Is there a problem with what i said
No offense VN but just like Rick said...Dual reservoir master cylinder. Stuff and things happen...I hope everyone is going to be alright.:)


Audioholic Samurai
At least jamie and Alex wasn't sucked into this Black hole, or was it bloak hole, now I'm only worried about Adam, and still hoping my ex-wife got sucked in.....
If there is a hole somewhere that is sucking things, point me in its direction, por favor.


Audioholic Slumlord
How do you know it's a bull???:)
Same way I know this isn't one. ;)

The pizza is not as good as I remember. That's for the best though.
It will be easier to say good bye. sniff ... sniff :(

Just saw 3 hours of DVR'ed Lost. Without the commercials it's like 18 minutes. :D

This is what I'm listening to:
It's amazing what they thought was worth recording back in the day. :rolleyes:
Were they bored? :D


Audioholic Jedi
I think Adam and Jamie was sucked into this huge Black Hole that just passed by.......
I had my joke all ready...

I almost got sucked in but i held on to a pipe...
A set-up too good to be true...

It's bloke hole. :D
...and that pretty much summed it up. Stupid job...kept me from AH.


She already sux Haraldo...
Eww, eww...another joke is prepared...

If there is a hole somewhere that is sucking things, point me in its direction, por favor.
...but is taken already...again.


Adam is playing catch up.
Alex is checking out who's online. :)


Audioholic Samurai
yea, I don't do that too much. At least I try not too.

And to keep this boring, my phone just beeped at me. Either something tweeted me or my wife texted me and she's coming home, probably blasted. Which would be cool if two of her co-workers weren't staying over tonight as well.

And sorry Alex, no four-somes (yes, they're both ladies).


Audioholic Slumlord
(yes, they're both ladies).
That's probably debatable and I'm sorry to be so predictable. Okay, let me break type for a moment and give you some friendly advice. I know you're Mr. Wonderful and all but this is a situation of us and them. You are outnumbered here and the best you can hope for is to come out unscathed. Be careful tonight. :D

However should you get one doing the laundry while one cooks and the last one gives you a foot rub, we will make you AH Man of the Year. You have my best wishes here.
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