Really Boring Stuff Only III: Resurrection



Audioholic Jedi
It appears Rob is not pleased that I returned a TV that I wasn't happy with...


Audioholic Overlord
When that thing breaks I am putting a trifecta in the kitchen, she goes to a friend of mines cafe and that is what he uses, she says its the best coffee she has ever tasted... I think its all the same, cap on the other hand I can tell the difference...
Dude, I could buy new wheels for my road bike with that kind of money....


Audioholic Overlord
Had my first real wreck today thanks to the snow storm. Tried taking a little too sharp of a turn. We are okay and the car appears not to have frame damage. I was able to avoid everything but the bumper cover and grill on the other guys car Thankfully my wife and I were both fine. Unfortunately in the process of going to the curb I took out the right front ball joint.
It was nasty out yesterday. I had to go see an account in Burleson and it took me 3.5 hours to get there and back; it normally takes me 40 minutes or so. I saw right around 20 wrecks mainly people driving to fast or rear-wheel cars/trucks that couldn't make it up the overpasses and would slide back and hit the car behind them. Chisholm Trail was in the best shape but I even saw two wrecks on it. I think the main issue was the amount of vehicles on the road, it seems every business closed at noon and made it a nightmare. My wife's company decided to stay open until 5 but I said "nope" and went and picked her up at 1. We drove some more and went and ate Sushi and had a couple of Martinis. My car did really well in the conditions, I was proud of it but it's likely that Germans know a little bit about bad weather.


Audioholic Jedi
As I wait for my calibration disc, I think that I'll try to get some reviews done for Amazon. True, I'll end up spending the say watching TV, but I can always hope to do something else. :D

Btw, if anyone here has strong Google-fu and finds recommended setting for a Sony KDL60W630B, I'd love to see them! I looked around last night and couldn't find anything good. I saw some from (I think) Cnet, but they didn't go into the white balance or anything like that.


Audioholic Slumlord
between yesterday and today I probably spent two hours cleaning, taking apart, re-calibrating and assembly of my grinder (Baratza Virtuoso) but result is big improvement. I think for the first time ever I pulled something resembling a proper ristretto. Still trying to dial-in new grind size and tamper, but yeah . I'm lovin' it - even with over month old beans still nice crema


Audioholic Slumlord
It appears Rob is not pleased that I returned a TV that I wasn't happy with...
He doesn't like it that you were unhappy with the TV ... or he wants fire and brimstone poured onto every non Sammy owning head under creation. One or the other.

I always thought my Panny was silent until PENG said something about it. Then I listened for it and heard it. It goes good with the tinnitus.

Just moved the sub amps to the H/T entertainment center. Now I gotta tidy up, clear out the space and move the subs. Maybe later ... but I am dieing to hear them with something serious. I'm pretty happy about being able to pick my amps up without too much trouble and I'm out of my head delirious about the rear access.


Audioholic Warlord
between yesterday and today I probably spent two hours cleaning, taking apart, re-calibrating and assembly of my grinder (Baratza Virtuoso) but result is big improvement. I think for the first time ever I pulled something resembling a proper ristretto. Still trying to dial-in new grind size and tamper, but yeah . I'm lovin' it - even with over month old beans still nice crema
At last, someone who wants to talk about coffee, or at least coffee gear :).

I slept late (until 8) this cold morning, and had 3 very nice cups of Guatemalan Finca Rosma. I roasted it about 2-3 weeks ago, and its the last of the 5 lbs. of green beans I got last fall :(. I'll have to wait until May or June to get the new crop from Guatemala. So the late winter and early spring are lean times for good coffee. There still may be some decent Ethiopian around.

I don't know anyone who has a real espresso machine or one of those expensive grinders like yours All I know about such grinders is they are necessary to get the right grind for making espresso. What's your experience been with it or other grinders?

I use a cheap twirly blade grinder and it works fine for drip coffee. I also have a hand-powered grinder for those few days when there is no electricity in the morning I've used it 2 or 3 times and it seems to work ok, as long as you willing to put in about 3 sustained minutes of elbow grease.


Audioholic Slumlord
Me and many other agree that proper very fine grind is crucial for espresso.
At my office there is dude who's super serious about his coffee - I mean his family roasting coffee and he's developing the roasting profiles - he says Hario is nice, but not fine enough for espresso.

I consider blade grinder is not good for any coffee - ok for spices thou :)


Audioholic Jedi
He doesn't like it that you were unhappy with the TV ... or he wants fire and brimstone poured onto every non Sammy owning head under creation. One or the other.

I always thought my Panny was silent until PENG said something about it. Then I listened for it and heard it. It goes good with the tinnitus.
I noticed that I had a low volume, high-pitched ringing in my ears after I got that Sammy and had been watching it (but after it had been off for a while). Sammy is gone...ringing is gone. Might be a coincidence, sure, but I'm still happy that buzz is gone. Over five years (and counting) of my Panny's "buzz" hasn't caused anything like that. Oh, but the was nice. I can't wait to calibrate this Sony and see if I can make it acceptable.


Audioholic Warlord
I consider blade grinder is not good for any coffee - ok for spices thou :)
I've never used an electric burr grinder. But for drip coffee, a powdery fine grind is what I get after ½ a minute with the blade grinder. I can't get over the difference in cost between the two types.

A blade grinder is easy to keep clean. I weigh out the beans, grind them, and put it all into the brewer's cone. I use a small ½" wide paint brush to get all the grinds out and keep the grinder clean. With a burr grinder and the large hopper on top, how do you measure out the coffee each time you make it? After grinding, how much is trapped inside and can't be used?

For espresso, I can see how the wider range of particle sizes from a blade grinder might be too much. Apparently, particle size and uniformity must be just so for espresso because you have to tamp the grinds into the holder. With drip, you just want exposure. You control that by grind fineness, time and temperature.

I've been roasting at home steadily for 3 years now. I like medium roasts (City to City+) and Central American (Guatemala, Costa Rica, & Panama) and East African coffees (Ethiopia and Kenya). I know some people who have a moka pot, but no one with a real high pressure espresso maker.


Audioholic Slumlord
I used to do moka, but felt I needed more zing :) I probably need to get into roasting since getting fresh roast around here is not as easy as it used to, back in brooklyn


Audioholic Warlord
Nearly all of what I know of roasting, I learned from reading at the web site of an online coffee seller in Oakland, CA, Sweet Marias

The guy who owns the company must drink a lot of coffee because his writing goes on and on :D. But he clearly knows his stuff. His green coffee is always fresh and his descriptions of their taste is reliable, if a bit wordy.

All I know about making espresso, I learned from what he says.


Audioholic Warlord
I probably need to get into roasting since getting fresh roast around here is not as easy as it used to, back in brooklyn
You might want to try a small order of Sweet Maria's roasted espresso just to see if you like it.

Other online vendors in your area that I know of and can recommend are:

Gillies in Brooklyn

Willoughbys' in Connecticut

In the NY area, there have to be many others.
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Audioholic Spartan
I use the base from my 7000 as a protective place mat sort of thing on a dresser ... until Rick finds just the right doilies.
Well, they're not dolls.
As I've said before, I prefer the term "action figure"

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