It is not without sadness that I watched the F8500 get boxed up about two hours ago. What a beautiful picture and TV. The Sony that replaced it just isn't in the same league. It's not bad, mind you, and I likely would have been quite happy with it had I never ordered the Sammy first. The picture is good (so far, haven't really watched much), but the hardware is lighter and cheaper. One of the delivery guys handed me this thin metal bracket and said, "here's the stand." I couldn't help thinking, quite seriously, that he must have only handed me part of it. Nope. The Samsung stand is a thing of beauty on its own - this Sony stand is like something you'd hang a shirt on. Granted, the Sony is a lot lighter - but they could have spent another five dollars and made the stand more robust.
However...and I'm hoping that I won't notice something new when I finally sit down and relax tonight...the Sony is dead silent. Seeing as how that's why I returned the Sammy, that's a big plus in the Sony corner. That, and I'm pretty sure that I can lift this thing on my own.