In the world of Adam and Niki:
(*) The mites (I'm guessing they're mites) are back again this year. I don't know why they're coming into the house, but they are. A lot of them. Luckily, they don't seem to hurt Niki or me.
(*) I've been vacuuming and steam cleaning the tiles more frequently. Why? See above.
(*) All the work (and water) put into growing grass this Spring has yet to pay off. But, the birds seem to enjoy does the bunny who is back there as I type this. Yes, the bunny is eating some of it, but I think the temperatures just got too hot too fast after I planted it.
(*) A family of quail is once again enjoying the back yard (parents and six babies). I don't think that they spend the night, but they come over in the day to look for food.
(*) I got to see the baby quail running around the bunny a couple of days ago. Super freaking cute.
(*) The laser hair removal kit arrived yesterday.

Once my fear and laziness subside, I'll give it a try.