Really Boring Stuff Only III: Resurrection



Audioholic Overlord
Happy Birthday Doug. I've heard Rick and Alex have a special night planned. Something about trying out a new 3-way technique.


Audioholic Slumlord
Happy Birthday Doug. I've heard Rick and Alex have a special night planned. Something about trying out a new 3-way technique.
A new 3-way? How many people are we talking about? Just so you know, up north there are always 3 people in a 3-way ... and hopefully it's mostly women but that's only when you get as far north as say Rhode Island. Jersey/Philly rules are different.


Audioholic Slumlord
To clarify my previous FB post - Happy Birthday, Doug!
You mean that FB didn't implode when I closed my account?

I guess some primer should go on the freshly sanded mud. F^%&. :rolleyes:


Audioholic Jedi
I'm not a fan of having something "early" in the morning that I can't be late to. I don't sleep very well because I'm nervous that I'm going to sleep through my alarm. Ironically, sometimes that makes me so tired when my alarm finally does goes off that I go back to sleep.


Audioholic Slumlord
Why did you close it?
They informed me that they were shifting their privacy policy around. I didn't really understand it before they changed it. I kind of thought their ads being put into my feed were bullsh!t. I had enough of Mommy Needs a Beer and Tits and Weed. Rick wasn't posting enough personal stuff on his page so I lost interest.

Mostly because it was a waste of time. Plus I had to be sort of careful about stuff I said. I mean I wasn't really 'friends' with all of my 22 friends. And some of my friends' friends were not at all to my liking. Then if my friends kids ever got on their parents page they could see some of the disturbing sh!t I find amusing and I don't want to be bringing that weirdness to the attention of young minds ... and in some cases adult minds. Some of my friends have adult daughters and I just don't talk to them like I would you, Rick or Doggie Dog.

Mostly because it was a waste of time. I mean I spent a fair amount of time there and all that came of it was nothing really. They weren't giving away free stuff so f^%& them. I just threw that in for chuckles. I really think I should be doing better things with the time I have. I'm not dying or nothing ... there's nothing in between the lines to be read.


Audioholic Jedi
I'm not dying or nothing ... there's nothing in between the lines to be read.
That didn't even cross my mind. :D One bonus of having a "smart" phone is that you can get updates from FB (when a friend replies or whatever). I don't tend to post much there, but I'll check my news feed for a couple of minutes in the morning to see if anyone posted anything that interests me. Normally no, but sometimes yes. I spend very little time on there in front of a computer, but I can also check it while Niki and I are out walking because of my phone, so it's not that much of a time suck for me.


Audioholic Jedi
Speaking of having something to get to that I can't be late for...time to go. Have a great day everyone.


Audioholic Spartan
I'm not a fan of having something "early" in the morning that I can't be late to. I don't sleep very well because I'm nervous that I'm going to sleep through my alarm....

Speaking of having something to get to that I can't be late for...time to go...
Best of luck today.
I can't help but wonder if it's that operation you've been saving up for the last few years?



Audioholic Slumlord
Best of luck today.
I can't help but wonder if it's that operation you've been saving up for the last few years?

How much is that operation? :confused:
I know you gotta see a shrink for a couple a years before they 'cut'. :eek:
That alone has to cost. I don't get it. Where is this money coming from?


Audioholic Slumlord
You paid $100 a month for FB?! :eek:


Actually more. The internet/cable bundle is more than that. I'd drop the whole thing if I could. Hmmm ... life without the internet. The girl has an iPhone. Hey, thanks. :)

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