Really Boring Stuff Only III: Resurrection

adk highlander

adk highlander

Sith Lord
He is a cute little thing. Those eyes would freak me out though. Our dog does the same thing. He knows he gets treats when we leave for work in the morning so if I don't feed him when I first get up he won't eat cause he know's his greenie is coming soon.


Audioholic Chief
Sheesh, glad you got out alright. When I read that I had flashbacks to Grizzly Man or whatever that movie was called. Yikes :eek:
Never saw Grizzly Man but I did have a "Plan B" approach thanks to this "training video" I saw before we left on our trip. :)



Audioholic Warlord
Well right now we get a little peanut butter on a spoon, push the pills into the peanut butter and he licks it all off. The pill pockets would definitely be simpler, but I'm not sure they would be cheaper since he takes 3 pills in the morning and one at night. We used to use something like the pill dispenser you linked for one of our old dogs, but this one actively resists the dispenser and runs in the other direction. :D

Thanks for the tips, I've never seen the pill pockets before.

Fuzz, have you tried "pill pockets"? It's either that or you can use a pill dispenser. Both work pretty good.

The ones with the rubber tips like this one are nicer:


Audioholic Ninja
Fuzz, if you just toss the pills in the food bowl he won't eat them? My dog once ate a friend of mines car keys because they were in his hand as he was petting him, it was just a single key with a key ring and little "car lot" tag, gone..... my sister has a little pug with a some kind of liver issue and that pour lil guy has to take pills all day, but she thinks they are treats because my sister keeps some bacon grease in the refrigerator and just wipes the tiniest bit on the pill and the dog can't eat it fast enough, she tried PB, putting it in treats, in the food, ect and the dog always ate around it or licked them clean and my sister would find them on the floor, but the bacon fat works... Small dogs are tough, Im sure this guy would have NO trouble taking his meds.. {My friend chris has one of these monsters hes over 200lbs!!!}


Audioholic Warlord
1)No he eats around them. Sneaky little.......

2)That's crazy

3)Poor pug, but at least he gets bacon grease :D

4)Looks like a vacuums worst nightmare :p


Audioholic Warlord
Fuzz, if you just toss the pills in the food bowl he won't eat them? My dog once ate a friend of mines car keys because they were in his hand as he was petting him, it was just a single key with a key ring and little "car lot" tag, gone..... my sister has a little pug with a some kind of liver issue and that pour lil guy has to take pills all day, but she thinks they are treats because my sister keeps some bacon grease in the refrigerator and just wipes the tiniest bit on the pill and the dog can't eat it fast enough, she tried PB, putting it in treats, in the food, ect and the dog always ate around it or licked them clean and my sister would find them on the floor, but the bacon fat works... Small dogs are tough, Im sure this guy would have NO trouble taking his meds.. {My friend chris has one of these monsters hes over 200lbs!!!}
Is that a Tibetan Mastiff? I'd love to have one of those, but man that hair would be a pain.

I'm sad to say that my German Shepherd/mastiff mix died this morning. His coat was fantastic. Gorgeous dog. Rough day for me. Well year actually. Vet said he ate something that poisoned him. Had to have the vet come help me pick him up. ~140lbs of dead weight is hard to lift alone. He was REALLY long. 9 years old, but healthy as can be. Man this sucks. :(


Audioholic Jedi
I'm sad to say that my German Shepherd/mastiff mix died this morning.
I can't begin to express how sorry I am. I'm tearing over as I write this, and I just wish that I had something better to say. Truly, my deepest condolences.


Audioholic Warlord
I can't begin to express how sorry I am. I'm tearing over as I write this, and I just wish that I had something better to say. Truly, my deepest condolences.
I really appreciate that.


Audioholic Spartan
Is that a Tibetan Mastiff? I'd love to have one of those, but man that hair would be a pain.

I'm sad to say that my German Shepherd/mastiff mix died this morning. His coat was fantastic. Gorgeous dog. Rough day for me. Well year actually. Vet said he ate something that poisoned him. Had to have the vet come help me pick him up. ~140lbs of dead weight is hard to lift alone. He was REALLY long. 9 years old, but healthy as can be. Man this sucks. :(

Sorry to hear panteragstk. Been through it twice in the last 5 years or so. It sucks.


A character with character
My condolences panteragstk; always sucks to lose a loved one.


Audioholic General
panteragstk, Sorry for your loss man, I've been there a few times and it sucks, especially when it's sudden.


Audioholic Ninja
Is that a Tibetan Mastiff? I'd love to have one of those, but man that hair would be a pain.

I'm sad to say that my German Shepherd/mastiff mix died this morning. His coat was fantastic. Gorgeous dog. Rough day for me. Well year actually. Vet said he ate something that poisoned him. Had to have the vet come help me pick him up. ~140lbs of dead weight is hard to lift alone. He was REALLY long. 9 years old, but healthy as can be. Man this sucks. :(
that is a tibetan, my buddies is identical to the one in the pic, although i never seen him chasing anything or mid attack, he looks like he would be a handful if you entereed the house with a mask on...

I am really sorry to hear about your pup, I have been there more than I want to recall.... I have a customer with a pet sloth, and they live like 35 years, go to the bathroom once a week, never run away, sleep most of their lives, eat a handful of food a week, and just need a tree branch to climb and be happy... But nothing can come close to the happiness my pups have given me over the years, its a special bond we have with these guys, and even though its sad when they leave us, take comfort in the years you made each other happy...


Audioholic Warlord
Really appreciate it guys. I've wanted a new pup since my Rott died, but now I don't know when I'll be ready. He was technically my wife's dog, but I picked him out when we were dating and brought him home to her. He lived with her, but was at my house quite a bit. When we got married him and my Rott were pretty good friends, but they didn't play that much just because of how different they were. When my Rott died it was really hard for me and he made me feel a lot better which made me much closer to him. Now that this has happened (and he was going to be the dog I introduced our baby to) I'm too torn up to even think about it. Now I can just concentrate on the next two months before the baby gets here. I was worried about not being able to give him the attention he needs (attention whore doesn't even begin to describe him) once the baby got here. Now I guess I don't have to worry about it.


Audioholic Ninja
Well, with the baby coming I would wait until the baby is past walking around well before getting another dog, let them grow up together, I have hunting dogs {weims} and when my kids were babies we were always worried about the dogs getting jealous, then by the time they were crawling around we learned the dogs were not jealous or a threat, it was actually funny to watch the dogs play with the babies when they were crawling, then they started walking and a whole new problem arrised, the dogs would bump into the kids and send them flying into furniture, and since I hates cleaning blood off and touching up the furniture with wood stain{thats a joke}, we had to keep a really close eye on them while the kids were learning to walk...

You are going to be so busy with the baby "stuff' you won't have time to train a pup is the other issue, but it is fun to watch a pup grow up with your kids, they learn to love and respect animals and the dogs become even more ingrained into your family... plus you train them both at the same time, now I let me kids and the dogs out at the same when they have to use the bathroom {thats another joke}....

Friends of my wife have 2 presa canarios and they grew up with their 3 boys and them dogs watch them kids like guardian soldiers, you walk in that yard uninvited and they will sniff and watch you, maybe bark a few times, but you will be able to pet them and not be in danger by any means... BUT you go in that yard while the kids are back there playing, and I think you will leave in a body bag, its like when they are with the kids and the parents aren't around they are on protection duty...


Audioholic Warlord
Well, with the baby coming I would wait until the baby is past walking around well before getting another dog, let them grow up together, I have hunting dogs {weims} and when my kids were babies we were always worried about the dogs getting jealous, then by the time they were crawling around we learned the dogs were not jealous or a threat, it was actually funny to watch the dogs play with the babies when they were crawling, then they started walking and a whole new problem arrised, the dogs would bump into the kids and send them flying into furniture, and since I hates cleaning blood off and touching up the furniture with wood stain{thats a joke}, we had to keep a really close eye on them while the kids were learning to walk...

You are going to be so busy with the baby "stuff' you won't have time to train a pup is the other issue, but it is fun to watch a pup grow up with your kids, they learn to love and respect animals and the dogs become even more ingrained into your family... plus you train them both at the same time, now I let me kids and the dogs out at the same when they have to use the bathroom {thats another joke}....

Friends of my wife have 2 presa canarios and they grew up with their 3 boys and them dogs watch them kids like guardian soldiers, you walk in that yard uninvited and they will sniff and watch you, maybe bark a few times, but you will be able to pet them and not be in danger by any means... BUT you go in that yard while the kids are back there playing, and I think you will leave in a body bag, its like when they are with the kids and the parents aren't around they are on protection duty...
That's my thinking. No pups until the kid is at least a year. I was worried about him with the baby because he was so clumsy. My Rott was very aware of his surroundings, but the one that just died was totally clueless. He ran into people all the time. He was the smartest and the most retarded dog I've ever owned.

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